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If i had to describe to you how i'm currently feeling i would say numb.

Because i don't know what else could describe it better than that word.


I feel nothing but numbness, i can't move, i can't speak, i can't even cry if i wanted to.

I'm completely and utterly numb.

"Ellie, come on and say goodbye to your brother", i hear my mother say to me with a sad look on her face.

But i don't move, i stay put sitting on the church pew.

I see her sigh out of the corner of my eye and i suddenly feel her try to grab my hand and pull me towards the front of the church where i know my brother lays there in a casket, completely lifeless.

"I said no!" i whisper yell and rip my hand from her grasp and i quickly run out of the church and outside.

Suddenly i don't feel as numb anymore as i feel the cold tears stream down my face.

I shiver as i make it down the concrete steps that lead away from the front door of that dreaded church.

I refuse to go back in. I will not say goodbye to my brother, i've always hated goodbyes, they're also pointless, why say goodbye when you know they aren't coming back it doesn't matter in the end.

I sit at the last step with my knees to my chest and i bury my face in my knees in order to keep it somewhat warm but i still feel the cold breeze brush my face and the rest of my body.

"Aren't you cold sweet heart?" i hear a male's voice say which makes me shoot my head up.

I see a boy who looks about my age or just a little bit older wearing all black and he has brown hair and plain brown eyes.

"Yes but i kind of like the cold", i speak up not really caring that this boy was a stranger and probably might be some serial killer trying to make me his next victim.

"Hmmm i like the cold as well." he sighs sitting next to me and i slowly shift away from him now that fear as crept in fully that this is a random stranger.

But before i can move any further he grabs onto me quickly by my arms.

"Don't scream, don't resist, you're coming with me", he says staring deep into my eyes like he's trying to make me believe what he's commanding me to do.

And the funny thing is, without even wanting to, i feel myself stand up while he still holds onto one of my arms now and he guides me away from the church steps and into the parking lot.

And i don't scream out for help, i don't resist his grip on my arm. I just let him take me.

I did as he told me to..

"Where are these dumbasses?!" he exclaims and tightens his grip.

"Ow", i wince and he looks at me with annoyance.

"Oh yeah just don't talk or make any sounds it be a lot easier for me", and suddenly i don't wince or whine anymore at the pain he's causing my arm.

"Finally!" he sighs as i see a silver car pull up that has very tinted windows.

The window on the passenger side slowly rolls down to reveal another boy who looks similar to my age as well as the boy who is kidnapping me.

"Jungkook-ah what took you so long!" the boy yells but not too loud.

So his name is Jungkook.

"I should be saying the same thing to you hyung!" he yells back and scoffs shoving me into the back seat.

"You'd think she'd be struggling a lot more than she is right now i mean we are kidnapping her?" a boy that is sitting in the back seat says and i just stay quiet.

"I compelled her to be quiet and not resist Taehyung", Jungkook says rolling his eyes annoyed.

"Oh yeah haha, i forgot you can do that!", Taehyung laughs slightly and my eyebrows furrow.

What does compelled mean?

Jungkook pushes me as i sit in the middle seat and he slides in next to me so that now i'm stuck in between both him and Taehyung.

He looks at me slightly and rolls his eyes looking away out of the window and it starts to rain little by little.

"Namjoon is waiting at the house as planned and is getting the spell ready for the house", The guy upfront says.

"Good, his plan better work.", Jungkook says.

"His plans always work kook, that's why he's our leader." The man says.

Minutes pass by and we are now deep in the woods where nobody in town dares to go because it's honestly just creepy and we've heard so many stories as kids growing up to not go there.

We pull up to a huge house, basically mansion size i would say, in the middle of these creepy woods and once the car is parked Jungkook pulls me out of the car roughly by my arm without any struggle.

How is he so strong? I think to myself as i still make no noises or any attempts at freeing myself from this situation i'm in.

"Bring her to the room upstairs Jungkook!" i hear someone say as we enter the house.

Jungkook drags me as he did before up the spiraling stair case in the middle of what i'm guessing is the living room.

Once we get to the top we walked down a long hallway with many different doors and he soon opens up the last one and throws me in there following me in after.

I feel shivers down my spine as he comes close to me looking right in my eyes so close to my face.

"you can speak now but don't try to escape and don't try to call out for help", he says, i'm guessing he's compelling me once more and i swear i see a sense of softness in his eyes but only for a split second the his eyes turn dark black again.

It's like staring into a deep abyss of complete voidness.

He turns around to leave but before he can reach the door i speak up.

"Why did you take me", i ask with curiosity in my tone.

He slowly turns around looking at me with his void eyes.

"Payback." he simply says and walks out locking the door from the outside.

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