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"Wow you haven't called me that in centuries", Jungkook begins as he lets out the smoke he's inhaled from the burning cigarette between his index finger and his middle finger.

"I'm guessing i'm bout to get a serious talk", he rolls his eyes looking into the forest at all the trees and the thick fog.

"gguk i don't think she knows." Yoongi sighs taking the cigarette from the younger and Jungkook laughs.

"How does she not know how horrible of a person her own father is?" Jungkook asks annoyed.

"Why do you think her father would tell her any of his secrets after what he done, she would never forgive him".

Jungkook sighs realizing he's been overcome by this anger that he has towards Ellie's father.

"I guess you're right, it's not her fault what he did to Somi", He sighs looking into the distance.


"Go apologize, gguk"

"Why should i apologize i'm not friends with her i don't care about her?"

"Because it's gonna make things more difficult than they have to be if you don't"

"Fine but i'm also telling her what he did."

"No." Yoongi groans getting annoyed by the younger.

"Why the hell not?!" he whines.

"Because she JUST lost her brother", Yoongi sighs blowing out the smoke.

"She would break."

"And she's already freaked out and non-submissive enough as it is."

"Fine i won't." Jungkook nods understanding.

"Go now."

"What why right now?"

"Because i said so, and be sincere or i'll make you regret it."

"Whatever", Jungkook says taking one last hit from the cigarette and walking inside and upstairs to the room they are keeping her in.

He knocks though he doesn't know why he does.

"Come in?" he hears a faint voice say and he breathes out before turning the nob and walking in looking at the floor.

Ellie looks away from the window as she sees Jungkook walk in and sighs.

"Oh so you have enough manners to knock? I see." she begins.

"Are you here to yell at me more?"

"Because if so i'm not in the mood-" She is cut off by Jungkook looking up from the oak wood, polished flooring with his brown eyes from when she first saw him on the church steps right before he kidnapped her.

"I'm sorry." he says and she swears she can see i hint of pure sorriness in his brown eyes.

"You what?" she says surprised.

"I'm sorry for being hateful towards you. It's clearly not your fault for the things your father has done", he says honestly.

"Thanks?", she questionably says.

"What did he do?" Ellie tries to ask once again the question that none of the men in this house will grant her an answer to.

"I'm not allowed to tell you yet." he says sighing looking down.

Ellie with a burst of courage goes forward to the boy and touches his shoulder which makes him jolt his head up.

But Ellie also jerks a bit. Because as soon as she did that she felt a huge wave of what felt like electricity shoot through her arm that she touched Jungkook's shoulder with.

"D-did you feel tha-" but she can't finish her sentence because Jungkook storms out of the room not even bothering to lock it but Ellie doesn't try to escape she just falls onto the bed confused.

It's been about an hour since my interaction with Jungkook.

An hour since he apologized, an hour since that strange thing happened.

Maybe i'm just over thinking.

But he felt it too? He had to. The look on his face?

Jungkook's POV

"Hyung..", i say slowly walking back outside to the balcony where i left Yoongi before i went to apologize to Ellie.

"Don't tell me you fucked up an apology", Yoongi groans turning around with the same cigarette in his hands and i grab it sitting on the railing of the balcony not caring if i fall.

"Yah! be careful you could fall!", He says waving his arms for me to get off but i blankly speak up.

"It won't kill me so doesn't matter."

"I guess you're right."

It becomes quiet and i think back to what just happened between me and Ellie.

"So how did the apology go?" he asks grabbing the cigarette back from me and i sigh.

"It was ok until she started asking what her father did."

"Ahh, and you didn't tell her did you?"


"But what?"

"Well let me finish my damn sentence." i roll my eyes looking down from the balcony.

"She like was trying to get me to say what he did and she tried to touch my shoulder and when she did i felt a huge shock of electricity shoot though my body." i say and it's still quiet after i'm done speaking so i look up at him worriedly.

His jaw is dropped and i instantly start freaking out.

"Hyung, what does it mean?" i ask nervously putting out the cigarette.

"Gguk you know what it means."

"I don't want to say it."

"she might be your soulmate".

"there's no way! i won't allow it!"

"Gguk you can't choose your soulmate, you know that."

"No. I can and it most definitely won't be the daughter of the man who killed my sister, I'd rather die."

"Whatever, but in the end you and your soulmate will end up together no matter how hard you try to fight and deny it."

"You'll feel drawn to your soulmate, every fiber of your being will want to be near them at all times, and you'll do anything to protect them without even thinking twice about it."

"Ahh shut up i'm tired of this bullshit! I'm going hunting!" Jungkook quickly puts out the cigarette and jumps off the balcony and runs into the forest.

"He's in for a hell of a ride" Yoongi smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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