Chapter 1

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Harry- I feel the strings inside of me attached to my heart and mind and see them on the out side attached to every limb. I can see the name from every person, most are Dumbledore saying the memories controlling and lost, some Manipulation spells and potions, hatred towards slytherins and the darkside, some stealing both money, houses, artifacts and pheonix aka Fawkes, he was taken away all of my powers except for paseltongue being 78% and blocked 90% of my magic, Ginvera Weasley Love Potions and Manipulation, Molly Weasley Manipulation potions to make me think of her as second my mother, helping out with Ginny's love potions and manipulations, Ron Manipulation, stealing money and want of fame of becoming my friend, Hermione Granger Stealing my money and book, Manipulation and being my friend for all my riches, strings attached to my family the potions and spells on them that are connected by me when they see or hear me making them abuse and neglect me, strings attached to Tom Marvolo Riddle to do with my being his Horcrux and me being the one he want but not in the way I expected, Strings with Draco Malfoy to do with how he treated me that he is sorry for the way he acted because he originally wanted to be my friend not for fame, money or anything but just friends but he got jealous because people that are on the wrong side I decide to be friends he even know there Manipulation tried to get me alone over the year but I stopped him before he could say a word to protect me, strings attached to me by Severus Snape because of the Vow and because of me being his sisters son, strings attached to me because of me because of my insecurities, my true self to do with me wanting to not be on Dumbledore side, to not fight the war for anyone but to be fighting beside someone, someone like Voldemort, I just wish these strings aren't attached to me. I magic up a pair of scissors cutting all of the strings that where attached to me. Once I was finished I felt the whole world is off my shoulder finally I am me the real me, smirking clicking my finger lights out.


Harry's clothing

Harry- I smirk walking down the corridor of the train hearing whispers and seeing stares

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Harry- I smirk walking down the corridor of the train hearing whispers and seeing stares. I see the Malfoy, Parkinson, Zabini, Nott and Greengrass all in a compartment together. I ture open the warded compartment with my magic smirking at the shocked looks "well hello there little snakessssss" I hiss at the end seeing the fear come over there faces, I push Zabini away from the window making him and Greengrass slide across the seat allowing me to sit down, I smirk Evily at them "well lets get down to business shall we



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