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     Not based in Tahiti

     Knowing Coulson was gonna live was a great comfort and relief to the team. For the first time in months, Mack had gotten a few decent nights of rest, and he had left Yo-Yo's side this morning to pursue some breakfast and the Jacket her had forgotten.

    Yawning his way down the hall, He nodded to the couple new agents before turning the corner. The director's office door was shut, the blinds pulled down. Mack slowly opened the door, and froze.

    A moan made its way to his ears. 

     Mack was petrified for a second, not moving. He could see the outline of some very familiar people. He didn't need to see more. Mack recognized May's thigh on the desk and that was all he needed to back out, and back out fast. 

    Closing the door, he heard a muffled, "God, Melinda," and winced. He didn't need to walk in on the man he respected getting it on with the potentially scariest woman on the planet.

    Mack tried to push the image from his mind and walked quickly to the kitchen. Pulling a frozen breakfast burrito from the freezer, Mack waited patiently before the microwave's little ding,  and headed off.

    He was just in time to shoo away a newer agent before Mack took his place, Burrito in hand, outside the door to guard it. No need to have the director of SHIELD be caught fucking his second-in-command over his desk.

    "Mack! There you are!" Elena appeared. "Whats wrong?"

    "Nothing." Mack said, his arms folded.

    "What are you doing?"

    "Preserving Coulson and May's honor." Mack answered lowly.

    "Well, That's very important indeed." Yo-Yo laughed.

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