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'The PAST is the past, but if you are OVERANALYZING or trying to repeat it you are going to get STUCK.' - Chris Evans


Wanda's heart broke as she watched the child, who was the prodigy of Hydra along with her twin sister, cry herself softly to sleep. Pietro, upon seeing that the girl was asleep, made his way into the chamber that kept her hidden from the outside world. How could they do this to a nine year old child, let alone Strucker's own biological child? How could they do this to both of his biological children? And what's worse, how could he do it to both of them?

He sat next ot her sleeping form before gently running a hand through her soft brown hair. "She's different. You see it, don't you?" The white-haired boy asked, not taking his blue eyes off the girl curled up into his side.

"I do." His twin sister replied, sitting on the other side of the girl. They watched her for a moment before Wanda saw the dress the girl was wearing. "I'm going to get her a new dress. I'll be right back, brother." Pietro simply nodded, looking at the girl that he and his sister were told to train all those years ago.

Pietro sat there, running his hand up and down Monster's back when Wanda returned, dress, shows and a headband in hand. "Why do you have a headband with you, Wanda?" Pietro asked, confusion ever apparent in his eyes, tone and posture. He slouched ever so slightly, head tilted to the right like a confused puppy and eyes squinted with eyebrows furrowed. It was cute.

"She needed a new dress and I want to do her hair." Was the reply he received by his twelve minutes younger sibling. The older of the twins simply shook his head before waking the sleeping child next to him. She opened her eyes partly and saw the two sitting next to her, head resting on the male's shoulder. She gingerly lifted her head and held her hand out slightly. Pietro and Wanda sahred a glance before nodding, indicating to the timid girl that it was alright to use her ability. Dragon gently placed her hand on the male's cheek, looking at him in the eyes with so much fear that even Pietro ould feel it himself.

"W-Who are you?" The girl's voice was thick with an accent the male had never encountered as it echoed around his head before it dissapeard as her hand slipped off his cheek. What was it? French? No, it couldn't be French. It definitely wasn't American, that's for sure. Was it... Spanish? Italian? Whatever it was, it made Wanda's heart glow at the sound of such innocence and such child-like wonder that made her want to kill Strucker even more than she already did for what he did to her and her brother and to the two siblings. Seperating them, wiping their memory when they saw each other and testing on them non-stop.

"Don't worry," the enhanced male promised, accent thick through his words even if he did attempt to hide it away. "We're just here to make sure you're safe. Do you remember us? We used to train you, but you were much younger then."

Winter Dragon thought for a moment before shaking her head, placing her hand on Wanda's cheek this time. "Siento, I don't. Why? Should I?" The girl apologized. Wanda smiled softly, shaking her head as the small hand slipped away.

"No. Like my brother said, you were young so it makes sense you wouldn't remember much about people who trained you. Now, let's get you dressed, yeah?" The girl nodded, her hair falling out of the tight bun on the top of head slightly. "Okay. Pietro, out. And tell Stark to not look at the cameras, the girl's getting dressed."

"Of course, Sister." With that, Pietro left. Once Dragon was changed, Wanda sat on the bed as the younger of the two sat in front of her. She gently pulled the girl's long brown hair out of the bun and started to brush through it with her fingers, making shapes appear in front of the girl.

"I never caught your name," Wanda commented. Dragon looked up at her, still timid. Her hand found its way to the older girl's hand and Wanda had to try hard not to flinch when she suddenly heard the girl's accented voice in her head again. It was unnatural for Wanda to have a voice in her head that wasn't her own.

"My name's Winter Dragon. It's the name I've known for my whole life but... Uncle Jonny sometimes calls me other things sometimes."

"What does Jonny call you?"

"He sometimes calls me 'Stark', 'Stark Girl', 'Little Stark', 'Renesmee', 'RIAS', 'Baby Imani', 'Seperated Twin One', or nicknames that go with 'Renesmee'. He does it a lot so I feel like my name would be Renesmee, and not Monster, you know? I just feel as if I'm missing something."

"I don't know what you mean, but I have a feeling someone else will." Wanda quietly murmured to the girl in front of her as she gently placed the headband on her head, smiling as she giggled. How could a group of people hurt such an innocent child? They had no right to do what they did to this kid! Clint would be, possibly is, livid.

"How about, when we get to the Tower, I introduce you to my friends?" Pietro asked, leaning against the door. When had he come in?

"I'd like that. I never had friends back at the base before... Pappy wouldn't allow me to have any friends other than the animals he gave me."

"What do you mean by 'the animals he gave me'?"

"When I was younger, Pappy said when I was born, he rescued me from a group of scientists that were testing on me. They had all of these different animals lined up but they only got four out of the ten they wanted to do done. I only have three conscious, I don't know what happened to the fourth. I don't think they were able to make them conscious before Pappy rescued me."

"And what animals are these three?"

"I have a Dragon, a Wolf, and a Tiger. I don't know what the fourth one is, but I'll let you know when I find out!" Pietro and Wanda shared a small smile as they watched the nine-year-old girl giggle slightly. She was so innocent... How could anyone hurt her? Pietro was about to ask the girl what the animals looked like when the jet stopped. They had arrived at Avengers Tower.

Book One; Welcome to the World of HYDRA, Let's Get StartedWhere stories live. Discover now