the Goliath

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I was one hour early after that lecture a month ago the man that look like Bear Grylls told us to start lifting weights he said those suits look lighter than they are,so he recommended everybody to start lifting until they can lift 299 pounds ''that's like lifting another person''after getting my schedule under control I was able to get there reasonably early after I was able to 'uearly but to day is a special day today we get on ship for training we're going to learn how to do some basic, procedures on the ship of course being early means I have an hour to do something so I pull out my phone and found a bench nearby watch a simple survival video. (one hour later) and I see an Entourage of people walking toward a big white building that must be my class so I started to walk toward the, white building once I get there I see a warning that says Place reserved.So I walk in this place was huge and I'm talking about rich person Mansion huge it was nothing but a gray space area but then I look to the left the ship was suspended by what seemed to be wires there was a huge group of people around, it I walk over infused into this crowd.there was three people at the front of the ship one of them had a symbol of a wrench on their arm ''all of your going to be split into three teams you'll either join me and the engineers or ,the scientist depending on which team you are assigned you'll be under their jurisdiction.will assign you a team by alphabetical order'' the man started to call names and the people who were called grouped up into group of threes. this is going to take a while..........

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