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"Ding,ding,ding."The sound of the bell signaling a with trial.If you could call it that they were murdering women in cold blood,for what because they were scared well so were they.This time it was only a child they were prosecuting.A kid not even five years old yet.She was just facinated by the bush that caught a blaze when she touched it.She didnt know she could replicate it in her hands or that she would be accused of witchcraft.Whit not enough time realise what she's done, before the first scream of accusation,the pounding feet of the village counsil men.Usually young witches and wizards get there powers at the age of twelve but she got hers early very early so early that she wasnt wasnt warned of her powers.The others knew as they brought to the town square she would grow to be a very powerful witch that is if she lived.The screams wishing for her death"burn her,hang her"even "drown her".She didnt see her family,she didnt hear their screams of protest but she knew they were there as they promised they would always be there when seperated and through death as they had once promised.None would protest her death in fear of being also accused as they would not loose theire life as you know life is precious you only have one.The counsil never thouht to put their selves in her shoes no!Never did they thought of the fear she concealed,the tears she trying so hard to hold back cause that is not what will save her.Approching the man who will behead her.Yes behead her!She asked him "Are you gonna kill me?"

"Yes!" the man replied shrugging his shoulder did he think this was a joke?

"Can I warnned them?" she asked "No."He said simply.Then as soon as the words left his mouth a big gust of wind surrounded the villagers and as soon as it camed it left.Leaving them to scream as seeing their friends,family and counsil men drop dead.The men that was once holding her ,dead. She got up walking towards the woods followed by the man who was going to kill her.When she heard the very last counsil member alive ask"WHERE ARE YOU GOING!"

"To my coven."She replied her iris glowing a bright purple color.The man who was once behind her stood infront her and bowed "My Queen."he said then they vanished.That was the last that anyone or any survivor who havent gone mad ever heard spoke the name Niara Ceres

"Momma what ever happened to Niara"asked a young Eliza who was incredebly interested in the story her mom told her.

"She went to the coven she said she was going to go .Was reunited with her family and years later maried i suppose and even had children but not before becomming the queen of the witches."

"Now go to bed Liz your starting kindergarden tomorrow."She kissed Liz forehead closed the lights but not before wispering

" Protect her."

Thats it so what do you guys think .Am started a new book it should be interesting atleast ill try to make it that way please comment i'd like to know you guys opinion!!

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