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•honestly both of you aren't morning people cause you stay up all night watching movies or shows

•"ain't no way it's five AM" "you know we both got work right-"

•but aside from those moments when your sleep schedule is in sync it's better that way


•ain't nothing like waking up to a deep velvet voice telling you to wake the fuck up so you can come eat

•"baby...baby...Y/N...sweetheart... can you wake up? I'm bored"

•jumps on the bed to wake you up faster

•pulls the cover off only to find out you only sleep with panties

•the more you know 🤷🏽‍♀️

•"five more minutes" you pulled your pillow over your head and reached for your covers

•he whines like a five year old

•":(( Y/NNNN you're never up when I want you to be"

•"your horny ass should have left me alone last night"

•"if I need it I need it 🤷🏻‍♂️"

•"pussy ain't a need nigga let me sleep"

•eventually gives up for cuddles till 4

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