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Sometimes, while lying in bed, I chant the word "normal"
Normal normal normal normal
So many times, it becomes abnormal.
Maybe I should blame books for this,
Blame my parents for letting me watch cartoons till the age of fifteen,
Blame Rowling for conjuring up magic in a world that was not ready for it yet,

Or blame Peter Pan for making me a Lost Boy,
For I do feel like a boy sometimes
And I am lost most times,
Lost in a sea of normalcy -

See, by the time I'm done with this poem,
People are going to accuse me of normal-shaming them,
Or of trying to trendify "abnormality",
Without knowing how I feel like etching the word NORMAL on my skin sometimes,

And claw off the epidermis
Till my abnormality bleeds off my arms,
Till I feel a little more like I belong
And little less like I'm intruding in a foreign country,
Not knowing the language,
The laws,
The stop signs on the road.

I don't know how to tell you this
But I'm flying a saucer in their cars-infested roads
And no, I'm not traffic-shaming their cities
I'm just trying to say how you'd think piloting a flying saucer is the coolest thing on the planet
But inside, sitting on the deck,

I just feel more alien than human.

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