Chapter 5

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I'm finally updating! I barley have any time for anything with school, and it's play season at my school so I'll have no time at all...
I see things that nobody else sees~
Everything was a blur for Anna. She was sitting in class, watching everyone around her. Her class was so loud, they ran around the room goofing around with their friends. She watched one of her friends laugh with another girl, her other friend was sitting at her desk reading a book.
I could always read. She thought to herself.
She grabbed her book and started to read, pictures flashed through her mind. The only problem she normally couldn't picture things.
The bell finally rang, silence filled the classroom. Finally!
One of the boys began to talk while the teacher was talking. She began to yell at us and tell us how we show her no respect. She's right, it feels like I'm the only middle schooler who was raised right. Their parents are so rich they probably had a nanny though.
The teacher continued the lesson about bad choices, when the teacher began to talk about gangs and stuff a girl looked at me and mouthed "don't listen your too innocent!" I gave her the evil eye and threatened to poke her eye out with my bow. I had caught the girl calling me little and innocent, once she called me a mother****er and I called her a b*tch. We had always had our arguments, she was just annoying and tried to seem cooler than she was.
Half the day went by and it was time for lunch, I sat with my friend and watched as she pulled out her book.
"Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked her, she rolled her eyes.
"Don't talk to me until I finish this chapter." I ignored her for the rest of lunch.
When we had recess I watched the 8th grade boys play on the playground. I sighed as all of my friends walked away from me to play volleyball. I've never been a sports girl and we had PE today, I didn't want to work that hard.
Well that's all the inspiration I have to write this chapter... I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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