▫️ Five

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"Wonderful job, team. Just a note for the Chasers and then you're free to go. I'd like you to be a bit more cooperative." There were hums of agreement from the Chasers and Rose smiled as she nodded. "You're free to go."

As soon as they had her permission to leave they rushed out of the changing room, leaving her alone. With a smile on her lips, Rose locked her broom in her locker and changed out of her Quidditch gear. She dressed warmly. It was nearing October now and the weather had already started to get colder. And she really didn't want to catch a cold.

Once she was ready, she swung her bag over her shoulder and left the changing room, her pace as quick as possible. She had caught sight of Beatrice in the stands, studying while she practised, and she really didn't want her to catch a cold out there. The players of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team were rising in the air when she left and she shared a nod with the team's Captain before heading to the place she always met with Beatrice after her practice.

She had an agreement with the Hufflepuff captain; his team wouldn't disrupt her team and they wouldn't sabotage each other's training. She had found an ally in Thomas Higgs, and she was extremely pleased with that. When she reached the place she had a meeting with Beatrice, though, she wasn't all that pleased as she realised she was talking to a boy. And as she came closer, she was even less pleased when she realised that the boy was indeed, Teddy Lupin.

His smile faltered as he noticed her and she came to stand just next to Beatrice. She sent him a smile that even she wasn't sure if it was meant to rile him up or not and turned to Beatrice expectantly. "Shall we? We'll catch a cold out here if we stay any longer."

Beatrice stole a look between Rose and Teddy, confused, but still, she nodded her agreement and with a last smile at Teddy, she followed Rose back to the castle. Once they were a safe distance away, she turned to her. "Am I missing something?"

She shook her head, "No, I just don't like him."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "You've actually spoken to him before?"

"Kind of."

"What's that supposed to mean, Rosie?"

"He startled me. I fell from a branch of a tree because of it. Then we started bickering."

She sent her a look. "How many times have I asked you to be more civil towards people-"

"I can't really help it," she cut in, the tone of her voice defensive as she pursed her lips. "It's my attitude, I know, I've tried to be better but it doesn't work!"

"Really?" she seemed unconvinced just as a gust of wind brought her dark hair that was tied in a ponytail in front of her face, bringing her to taste a few strands of her hair. Rose smirked as Beatrice scowled. "Anyway, what I meant is that you speak to the girls and I in a decent manner. I think you could try doing the same with Teddy."

"I don't know if I want to, actually."

She frowned, "Why not?"

"I don't feel like I need more friends."

"But having friends is a wonderful thing," her frown deepened as they finally got in the castle. "See, if you didn't have friends, I wouldn't have been waiting for you to finish your Quidditch practice while studying so we could get back to the castle together."

"I didn't say I don't like having friends, Bea, I just mentioned I don't want any more friends."

"But it'd be nice."

Rose only let out a sigh as she ran a hand through her hair in an effort to tame it. "Do you really think I should try being friends with him?"

A smile instantly lit up her face. "You're actually considering it?"

Winter's Rose ▫️T. LupinWhere stories live. Discover now