Prison? me? No way!

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Have you ever done something that you would regret? How about something that could get you arrested and put into prison?


"come on Neve, we can not be late!" Shouted my bestfriend and roomate Ava. She was getting pumped over this lame halloween party at this boys house.

"how do I look?" I said as I stepped out from the walk in closet.

"slutty" she said as she pushed my boobs up so they looked bigger. Halloween is the only day of the year when you can be as slutty as you want and won't get judged for it. Ava was dressed as a slutty cat and I was dressed as a slutty nurse.

When we arrived at the party, we went to find our other friends Amber, Pheobe and Tia. After we found them we all started drinking and doing shots. I hooked up with a couple of guys, smoked some pot and even had a bitchy argument.

Half way through the night I had lost all my friends so I decided to take a toilet break. After going to the loo I decided to have a snoop about in the house. I accidently walked in on a couple of people getting saucy so I decided enough looking around and went to find my friends.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I see Amber leave with some guy.

"Neve, we are going on a ride... are you coming?" Ava said as she walked past me with Tia and a couple of guys.

"erm yeah okay" I agreed not realising that the guy that was driving had been drinking and that my life was in serious danger.

"nice set of wheels you have here" said the guy next to me to the guy driving.

"ah yeah, its not mine... someone left their keys lying about inside" Said the guy at the wheel. This made me even more nervous. Suprisingly we surrvived the joyride when it came to a stop. But suddenly Todd, the guy driving, backed up onto a main road in a fast, breath taking way which caused me to panic more than before. We was finally stopped by the cops at 1am and we was all arrested.

"first we will test you for alcohol and drug use" said the tall, dark, handsome cop that paced up and down infront of us all. I then realised that I had drunk a lot and even smoked some pot. I wanted to cry, I had never been in trouble before and I was so humiliated standing here in a police station dressed as a slutty nurse.

"Alcohol and the use of canabis" the cop shouted to another as I took the test. I then watched the other cop type something into his computer that he was sat at, I then watched the cop that was doing the tests, test the others. Turns out I was the only one out of all of us that had smoked marajuana and therefore was in more trouble than the others. I was then taken into questioning. I sat opposite a interrigator that asked me questions and under a bright, white light that was harsh on my eyes.The interigator pressed a button on a recorder then started to ask shit loads of questions.

"Was you aware you was going on a joyride?" He asked.

"no" I said telling the truth.

"was you forced to get in the car?"

"no" I admitted.

"and did you know that the driver was intoxicated"

"no, not untill he took a sip from a beer can" I said whilst looking down.

"and did you know that the vehicle was stolen?" He asked as he sat up in his chair.

"not untill he told the guy beside me in the car that he found the keys lying about" I was getting worried now about what would happen after questioning.

"Tell me your side of the story from the beggining" The interrigator asked as he got comfy.

"well we was at a halloween party and I had gone to the toilet but when I came back I walked past my friends who said they was going for a ride and asked if I wanted to go so I agreed not knowing who was driving and well we got in the car and we was driving and then I see him take a sip of beer which made me nervous because I didn't know he had been drinking, the guy next to me then said to the guy driving 'nice set of wheels' and the guy replied with 'its not mine, Someone left their keys lying about inside' After he said that I started to get even more nervous we then was caught by the police and now we are here" I said starting to get out of breath. The interrigator then stopped the recording and a cop then entered the room and took me back to a large cell where everyone else was.

"Tia and Amber you are being released but with some charges" the girls was both let out of the cell and was taken to get their personal items. I started to wonder why I hadn't been released with the girls.

"Todd Curtis, you are under arrest for theft and driving whilst under the influence of alcohol, you do not have to say anything. But it may harm your deffence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court" They then put Todd in handcuffs and he was dragged elsewhere.

I was now getting more scared, I was only 19... I can not go to prison not at this age I have so much to live for and so much to do and explore. The other guy that was with us was then released but with a few charges, I then had some hope in that I would be getting out.

I had been alone for half an hour now, The nerves were back untill I heard the door open.

"Neve Nelson, you are under arrest for the use of canabis and participation in car theft, you do not have to say anything but it may harm your deffence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court" I started to tear up as the officer put the handcuffs on my wrists and pulled me out towards a correctional facility vehicle. I cried and cried but I knew the tears wouldn't help with anything. I was taken to a correctional faccility and was giving a prison number, a horrible orange jumpsuit and some basic stuff I need for my time in prison.

"Inmate 270299, this is your bunk room, dinner is at 4pm, don't be late" The officer then left me. I looked around at the 3 girls I was sharing a room with, they didn't look pleased about having a new room mate.

"whats your name?" one asked as she jumped down from her bunk. She didn't look like a prisoner, she was about my height, long, blonde hair and young, she was very pretty and was the only welcoming room mate.

"Neve" I said nervously.

"neve? neve what?" she laughed.

"Nelson" I replied. Why was she laughing at my name? I thought my name was a cute, girly one.

"right Nelson, when asked for your name you tell them your surname" she told me.

"oh right thanks, erm whats your name?" I asked.

"Jones" she said as she held her hand out for me to shake. I then went to lay my bed out on my bunk when all of a sudden the lady bellow me stood up and shooved me out of the way.

"let me do it..." she said.

"oh thanks" I said smiling. All of a sudden a loud irritating bell noise went off. All my room mates stood beside their bunks so I did also.

"whats this?" I asked confused.

"inmate count" said Jones. A cop came in a counted us then shouted 'clear' we waited for the bell to stop ringing then carried on with what we was doing. Finally at 4pm the dinner bell went, I was kind of hungry although it was still a bit early for dinner. A pile of slop was put onto my plate, it kind of made me feel sick but I wasn't complaining because I hadn't eaten for a while, After eating I had to go with the cop to phone home. Mom was told about me being arrested but I still had to phone her and tell her what had happened, she didn't seem happy with me so I hung up feeling a bit upset.

Lights went out at 9 so I made my way back to my bunk room. Jones was sat on her bed looking at something so I climbed up on top of mine and layed there looking at the ceiling. I sat and thought for a while, I wondered why Jones was in here, she didn't look like a criminal.

"jones?" I said, getting her attention.

"yeah?" she replied.

"whats your real name?" I asked curiously.

"Jessica, why?" she laughed.

"I was just curious" I said as she turned the lights off.

"night Nelson" she said after the room turned dark.

"night Jones" I replied before slamming my face into the pillow. The next morning I had to visit the officer in charge of the prison to talk about what will be happening in my time here he told me I have a court trial next month and everything will be explained there. Today I had to do my duties in the laundery room with Jones we bonded really well and she even said I was her 'prison sister'. After me and Jones finished we was called to this meeting. We was being moved to the other side of the prison where it was mixed between girls and boys we packed our stuff and made our way over to our new bunk room.

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