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Dave sits in his room quietly, reminiscing on his memories. He thinks about how normal and calm life was then. He remembers Bro and he feels his heart sink lower into his chest and he starts crying. He removes his shades and wipes the ever flowing tears.

" Fuckin' hell I don't fucking need these! "

Dave goes into the bathroom and splashes his face with water and looks at the sink, head down. When he calms down he decides to catch a few a z's. He lays down and he falls asleep easily

He wakes up on Derse, a calming place where Dave knew would calm him down. He leaves the tower and wanders the town on the larger area of Derse. He sees another blonde teen whose hair is spiked in the back. The term turns around and Daves red eyes widen but we're covered by a pair of shades. The other teen, Dirk, his eyes widen aswell as he recognizes Dave who now is crying. Dave runs up to dirk and hugs him tightly, crying into his shoulder.

" B-bro I-I fucking missed y-you so much..."

Dirk hugs back and starts tearing up at the thought of his own bro.

" I missed you too man...I'm glad I finally got to see you "

Dave sniffles and stops crying after a few minutes but keeps hugging dirk tightly, not wanting to let go

" Hey man, let's talk in my tower. Ok? "

Dave nods and the other Strider takes Dave and flies up to his tower and sets Dave on the bed.

" Can I? "

Dirk holds Daves shades, asking if he can remove them

" Yeah go ahead "

Dirk removes them and is met with the ruby red eyes which he missed

" It is you bro "

Dirk smiles and takes off his own shades since if one strider is without shades, might aswell just have every strider shadeless. They were the only ones in the room anyways

" So what have you been up to bro, wait what's your actual name? "

" It's Dirk "

" Cool, you know mine already "

" yup, and to answer your question, I've been up to nothin' except watching anime and shit "

" You're so weird. I just blast music and be online "

"I'm weird? How can you sit all day and listen to music?"

" How can you stand anime?"

" I have the feeling that this new broship is gonna be a bit difficult "

" Yeah no kidding "
The two sit there quietly

" sooooo you dating anyone lil' bro?"

" Nope you?"
" no, not anymore "
" Oh I see "
" Yeah, you interested in anyone? "
" I was but then they left "
" where'd they go? Maybe I can help you"
" Well I've seen them again "
" Really? Who is it?"

Dave looks to his hands

" It's you bro "

Dirks eyes widen and he places an index finger under Daves chin and lifts his face to meet with the others

Daves red eyes widen as he feel lips against his. He calms down and closes his eyes, kissing back softly. The kiss lasts a few minutes until dirk pulls away

" in all honesty, I've been homo for a pretty damn long time and I have you to blame for that"
" Ha oh really? And you're to blame for me being homo "
" Guess we're even"
" Yeah "

They laugh a bit and Dirk looks at Dave before hugging him

" I should probably wake up now.."
" I'll see you soon right.? "
" Course man "
" I'll miss you "
" Miss Ya too "

Dirk pecks his cheek then lays down and goes to sleep, waking up in real life where he then hurries around the complex, going to the top floor and going into his old apartment, now Daves. He hears music starting to play from the bedroom and he smiles and sighs in relief. He knocks on the door

Daves eyes widen and he runs to the door and opens it quickly. Dirk smiles at him

" Told Ya Id see you soon "

Dave tears up and hugs him tightly, never letting go

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