The meeting

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When I woke up I saw a message on my phone. I opened it and it was an unknown number!


Hey, It's me Richard!
I hope you had a good sleep! So at least you had a lovely sleep haha, I was awake the whole time. Do you maybe want to meet up today for a walk and a coffee?


Hey Richard!
I had a lovely sleep! Thank you ^^
Sure! I would love to meet up. Where and when?


Maybe in the park at 2?

Jenny: Sure! See you there
Richard: See you x

Wow i'm gonna meet up with Richard in 2 hours! I need to shower and dress up. I put some nice boots, a hoodie and black jeans on. I took my car keys and drove to the park. There he stood with some black trousers, black boots and a dark jacket. Lets see how the day will be, i thought and then walked to him.
„Hey Richard!" I said
„Hey Jenny!" He answered and took me in his strong arms. I was shocked at first, because i haven't expected that! But then i put my arms around his body too and gave him a hug. I smelled his lovely parfume. It smells so good!

"Wanna walk for a bit?" he asked

"sure" I said. Then he took my hand in his and we walked around the park. Later we sat on a bench and started talking about god and the whole world. Hours passed and it started to become cold, but also windy. I started to freeze and Richard recognised this.

He started to move beside me and put his arm around me.

"come here" he whispered and pulled me into his arms. It felt good.

Later I looked up and saw straight into his eyes. They had a wonderful colour. He was a handsome man, who also cares. His eyes begann to look towards my lips. Richard puts a piece of hair behind my ear and started to lean in. His lips met mine. It felt so good!

Then the kiss stopped and he began to speak.....



I'm so sorry! I try to write some more parts of this story, but currently i'm pretty busy with school. I'm currently working on a new part of this and other stories 

After the concert - Richard KruspeWhere stories live. Discover now