A change in events

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As I got home I noticed all of them had followed me. When I say all I mean all. My tiny house looked like it might explode from all the people inside it. "Why are you people following me?" I finally snapped.

"We aren't leaving till you become the ultimate alchemist." Ed reminds me lounging on the couch.

"Make yourself comfortable." I uttered sarcastically. Then a thought hits me. "Why don't I visit each world and then choose."

"That sounds good to me." Germany says. Surprisingly everyone has been very quiet. Weird.

"But what world should she go to first?" Roy added in. Everyone opens their mouths about to voice their opinions.

"I'll choose." I interrupted and everyones mouth shuts. I take a moment and think. I'm sure it would be easier to go into the hetalia world but it would be so cool to learn alchemy. Yet it would be hard... ugh why is this so hard to choose! Then I make my decide,"I'll spend a month in the hetalia world then month of a break so I can think and go to school. Then I'll spend a month in the world of FMA and a months worth of thinking and of school. Then I'll decide. And you have no say in this what so ever. Let me pack my things and then we can leave. I would very much like it if the FMA people would go back to your world until the two months are over. Thank you." I didn't mean to sound cold and emotionless but they already caught me in a bad mood so I have to lay down the law. As I head to my room I heard them talking to one another but didn't bother to know what they were saying. I left a note for my parents saying I will be staying with some friends at a school in Japan and won't be back for a month. "I'm ready!" I announce walking into the living room. The room was strangely quiet then suddenly everyone was gone. Instead was my empty livinng room. I tinge of sadness hit my heart. Where they even real? Is this a dream? Setting my bag down I sat at the island in the kitchen wondering why they all left or if they were here in the first place. Suddenly a rag was shoved into my face. I tried yelling for help but it was muffled by stench filled rag. Soon darkness encircled my vision and filled my mind.

Last thing I heard was "Does this smell like chloroform to you?"

~Sorry this ones short but I doubt anyone reads my stories anyway.... please comment if you do! I love hearing from the people who actually bother reading my stories! And I'll give a cookie to who knows who asked the question at the end!~

~If I owned Hetalia or FMA it would have more Yoai and Yuri... Maybe some incest in there some where... but alas I do not there for I write Fanfiction~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2012 ⏰

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