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The hospital being a mess was an understatement. A hospital will always and forever be chaotic, every nurse or doctor who has worked in one will tell you this simple fact. It's stressful and sometimes you just want to break down and cry.

But your bitch ass didn't survive premed just so you can sob, so if course you're going to survive. There is literally no other option.

These would be the thoughts of the one nurse on duty.

It was a quiet night for the first half. Ye nurse's patients were all drugged up on morphine as they began their contractions.

But then there came them.

Now this woman was a nurse first, but she was a single lady looking for love second, and to be fair a non judgmental person third.

But when five men carried a heavily pregnant woman with the wildest red hair she has ever seen in her life. She prayed to god that someone would come pity her.

(Little did she know, a nice blonde, blue eyed god named Apollo would disguise himself as a doctor out of pure pity for her.)

The woman breathed in deeply. Said her matras. And dove in with a clipboard on hand. "Which one of you is the father?" She asked politely as the five men tried to seat her gently into a wheel chair.

Together they all froze and looked at the messy haired one with the round glasses. But he only shook his head. "Not me mate. It's Hermes. I'm just the one wearing the ring."

The nurse groaned once more in her head. Thank god it wasn't one of those casses.

Little did she know it was one of those cases.

It was all fine and dandy, they got the woman situated, she was dilated but not enough to bring a child into this world. When the nurse was done checking the vitals and exited the room.

She expected the father to be in a panic. You know the whole "im going to be a dad soon!" panic. But he was odd. Not in that his eyes twinkled with mischief and looked to be chatting with the others. But more so that he was calm.

Okay. The nurse thought. Maybe it wasn't his first kid.

(Oh how right was she.)

Anyway. The nurse did her rounds, took her break and when the clock stuck 7am in the morning. One more hour till she could go home and take a nap, and relax. Perfect.

Except it wasn't. When she came back to finish her rounds. Not only did she find five past out men in the hallway. She found out that the patient. Lily Evans was 1 minute about to go into labor.

Why, wasn't she informed of this?

With a drop of clip board the poor nurse ran over to the button to page a doctor when guess what. The lights blow out. Thunder rumbles. Lightning hits.

This was so not her night.

But here she was about to break down and sob, when her lord, her savior, her oh my god is he new and single because please let me hit that-

Ahem. A doctor walked in. Apollo Solace.

Weird name.

His blonde beauty smiled at her and his teeth so white and blinding. Which was annoying since it was 7am, in the morning.

And so Iris Evans was brought into the world. A chubby angry, curly red haired baby with the bluest of eyes. She cried out into the world as if it already had done her wrong.

Iris Evans Where stories live. Discover now