An Age Old Tale

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Gather around children. No, closer! You must be able to hear this tale! I can only share it once, and when I leave, it will be up to you to share this story! What story? Oh, I was getting to that. This is the story of how the sun and moon fell in love.

Impossible, you say? Of course it's possible! The sun and moon were once mortal, like you and I! Hush now, let me tell you the story! Pay very close attention. Stories like this one are told everyday, but this story is unique. It really happened! How do I know? Well, I was there! I saw the whole thing and I was tasked with telling the world! Our time grows short. Let me begin. It all began many years ago...

    Back in the days long past, when the world was new, there was no sun or moon in the sky. Day and night came at regular intervals, but there was nothing to keep them in line, should the balance have fallen out of place. Our story takes place in a village nestled between two mountains. The people of this village believed that their ancestors resided on top of the two mountains and watched down on them. One mountain represented day, and the other, night.

    Let me introduce you to the main characters of this story. Our hero was a mighty warrior called Arun. His bravery was known throughout the village and beyond the mountains, where he often traveled in search of adventure. His younger brother was called Citlali. Citlali was not as famous as his brother, nor quite as adventuresome. While his brother was friendly and jovial, Citlali was disclosed and often moody. Citlali preferred to spend his days studying magical arts, while Arun liked to practice his skills with sword and bow.

    Our heroine was a woman named Caleena. Caleena was a gentle woman but could fight for what she believed in. She spent her time with her family or out in nature. Caleena often preferred going out after dark, when the world was calm and still. How our characters met is an interesting story indeed.

    Caleena met Citlali first. Their village had many shops in it. Citlali liked to visit the charm shops and magic shops. On one occasion, Caleena happened to be in the same store as Citlali. He saw the young woman and found her very beautiful.

    "Beautiful lady, what is your name?" Citlali asked of her.

    "Caleena, good sir. And yours?"


    Caleena recognized the name right away, of course. She had heard about the noble warrior's younger brother. "Ah, you are the warrior's brother!" She exclaimed. "I have heard that you are becoming a powerful magician! Perhaps you would demonstrate your abilities for me someday?"

    Citlali was overjoyed. He saw her interest as a sign that perhaps, she found him attractive! Citlali agreed straightaway and made plans for Caleena to meet him at his families large estate the next day.

    Have patience. She will meet Arun soon enough. I must tell the story as it happened. Have you been listening? Good. I can only tell the story once, you know.

    As fate would have it, or perhaps the ancestors, Arun happened to be practicing with his bow when Caleena arrived. Citlali escorted her to their gardens, where he proceeded to show off his magical abilities, turning water into ice, animating the shrubs, and even weaving a crown of rosebuds for her hair.

    When Arun saw Caleena, he was not infatuated by her beauty, as most men were. He approached the woman and his brother. Bowing, he kissed Caleena's hand. "Hello, fair maid. What may I call you?"

    "Brother, this is the lady Caleena," Citlali replied for her. Now, I will point out that Caleena was a very independent woman and she did not appreciate others speaking for her.

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