Just Your Typical

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Just for fun, I decided to write the cringiest and most cliche story that I could. Enjoy!

"Ok, Christie. Remember, it's your first day at your new school. A fresh start and a new chance to be someone else!" I stare into the mirror and push my blonde hair out of my face.

"Christie! Breakfast!" Mom calls from the bottom of the stair case.

I grab my backpack and run downstairs. Mom has spread the entire table with pancakes, waffles, and my favorite types of fruit. "Aw, thanks, Mom, but I really don't have time for this."

"But school doesn't start for another 45 minutes," Mom says, somewhat confused.

"I know! If I stay here another minute, I'll be late!" I pop a strawberry into my mouth and down a glass of juice. "Bye!" I spring out the door.

"Christie! Don't you want me to drive you?" Mom calls from the doorway.

"The school is just down the street. I'll walk," I reply. It doesn't take much time before I enter the school. I enter the main office. The lady at the front desk looks at me over wire rimmed glasses.

"How can I help ya, hun?" She drawls in a grisly voice.

"I need my schedule."

"Here ya go." She pushes a stack of papers my way.

"Um, don't you need my name first?" I venture.

"Hm? Oh, no. We just put you in the same classes as your locker buddy." She goes back to flipping through a magazine.

"Oh, cool! I'm sure I'll be best friends with them," I smile. I step out of the office and begin to head towards the locker hall. As I walk, I flip through the pages of my schedule. They included a map of the school and a new student slip in case I'm late, although if I'm just following my locker buddy there's no reason why I should be.

So engrossed by my schedule, I didn't even see the looming figure in front of me. "Ah!" I cry out. I fall to the floor, papers flying out of my hands. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and that was completely my fault!" I mumble as I try to pick up my papers.

"Hey, no worries." The other student crouches down and gathers the rest of my papers and hands them back to me. I glance at the student and pause, utterly shocked. This was one of those hot jocks everyone talks about on tv! His messy brown hair hangs in his face just the right way. He has beautiful hazel eyes that are currently looking into mine. His chiseled jaw is the epitome of perfection. "Although, if you wanted to get my attention, there are easier ways," he jokes. He stands and pulls me to my feet.

"I...uh...my, your..." I stumble, utterly dumbfounded.

"My name's Josh."

"Christie," I finally say. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." The bell began to ring as we spoke. "Oh, I'd better go or I'll be late!" Josh says. He turns to leave, then looks at me. "You know where you're going?"

"Math with Mrs. Shelton," I say, holding out my schedule. Josh studies it quickly.

"Me too. Come on. I'll take you. Your locker is close to her room so you can leave your stuff there." Josh grabs my hand and begins to lead me down the hallway. I flush bright pink. I can already feel a beautiful romance blossoming within our clasped hands. Or so I thought, anyway.

"Baby!" A high pitched squeal broke into my thoughts. A gorgeous redhead runs forward and pushes me away. She quickly kisses Josh. "Thought you could get to class without saying hello to me?" She asks. "Who's that?" She asks, pointing to me.

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