Chapter 4 ~Lovers Quarrel~

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As the years went by their love blossomed into something beautiful. The villagers thought one day there was to be a union between the two. Many of them joked with the young lovers as it was apparent that they showed love between each-other, Alenia slowly let David inch by inch as the years went by.

"Alenia did you wash up for dinner tonight?" Anya asked her.

"Yes sister, I have." She quietly mumbled.

Anya squinted at her. "Are you sure? Let me see those hands." Anya teased.

"I washed, I promise!" She yelled slightly.

"Then you should have no problem showing me your dirty little hands!" She yelled playfully back.

Alenia shot up her hands so quickly that Anya couldn't see them. "See clean! no need to worry."

"Hey you little cheat I didn't even see them!" Anya laughed as she tackled Alenia playfully to the floor.

Alenia screamed as she laughed trying to hide her hands from her big sister. They struggled on the floor for a few minutes before Anya finally got her hands. To her surprise they were clean. "See I told you they were clean!" Alenia laughed.

Anya scowled at her. "Oh you little brat! Now help me get ready for dinner." Anya laughed looking at Alenia.

"When do you think Papa will be home?" Alenia asked her as she peeled potatoes. Anya's wild expression that she always had. Suddenly it changed to a gloomy look. "Papa may not come back, He has gone far to another village to find work." Anya looked down in disappointment as she lied. He had not gone looking for work, In fact, he had gone to be the general for the war. The war of Idor was a serious one. Anya was also a part of this, she was a warrior. Everyone knew that Alenia was to be the savior of Idor. Everyone except Alenia . Anya didn't know how to tell or train her. Although she desperately wanted to, but by the word of the Council she was forbidden to allow Alenia to know the truth. This was soon proven to be a terrible mistake.

"Anya what's wrong?" Alenia asked putting down the potatoes to comfort her sister.

'Before you came Papa wasn't always like this. Mother was around then, but she died. I wish you could have met Alenia. She was a wonderful woman. Or so I am told. I am not even Papa's real child. Claire took me in before she died. Papa raised me because it was all he had left of Claire." Anya softly said as she was angry at herself for the lies she kept spewing out.

Alenia hugged her sister. "Well I still think of you as my real sister, I hope that never changes."

Anya laughed. 'How could it be when you're such a little cutie." "Now finish doing those potatoes so we may eat, everything else is ready."

The next morning Alenia got up to several thumps downstairs. "Anya did you hear that?" She yelled out. No response came from Anya. The house was as silent as a mouse. "Anya!" Alenia shouted a little louder. Still no sound came from Anya. Flutters of panic began to increase in Alenia as she stumbled down the stairs. What she found shocked her. The table was overturned, everything was a mess, and the door lay wide open. She ran out into the yard. "ANYA!!!" She screamed but only her voice echoed through the forest. "No..No! NO!" Alenia screamed.

"What happened to her..?" Alenia softly cried to the vision in her mind. The spirit of Idor was trying to tell her to awaken. But it only ended in confusion to her brain.

Alenia rolled around in the bed screaming Anya's name. She ran to her sister's aid. "Alenia wake up! I am right here, I am right here." Anya softly shushed her.

Alenia awoke with a startle as she hugged her sister tightly. Dismissing it as a terrible nightmare, when it was in fact a warning from the Spirit of Idor itself. "Never leave me!" She cried.

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