
I know I've hurt you Tony, I just thought I was protecting you by not telling you the truth. I didn't wanted for you to hurt and if you'd found out that I knew it I would have never had the chance to be someone more than a friend to you. But I know I have to make it right. I'm just not sure how and if you'll ever forgive me. It's been eights months since I saw you, since we last talked. I miss your face, your smile, your sarcasm and jokes. I've been writing a diary and going to therapist to talk about everything that's bothering me. And it actually helps. I just wanna see you. I need to see you and tell you how sorry I am.

I wanted to know how are you, so I called Nat, of course. I've been in touch with her, but not in a couple of weeks. She picked up after a second signal.

- Hey Nat.

- Hi Steve, how are you? - she sounded tired which got me worried if she's eating and sleeping enough and if she's not working all the time.

- I'm fine, you?

- Hangin, just a lot is going on.

- Which is...?

- A lot of new villains and not many people to deal with them.

- What do you mean there's not many people?

- I mean you're not here, I don't know where the hell Barton is, Thor is in Asgard most of the time and Tony... - she stoped.

- What's with Tony? How is he?

- He... he started drinking again and I think he's in bad place right now. He hides in the lab or his bedroom. Steve, he barley leaves the house. I tried to do something, talked to him, I even started to empty his bottles of whiskey and buying him groceries and ready meals but he pushed me away and even locked himself so that I could't give him another speech about his behavior. It's been three weeks with him acting this way, that's why I wasn't calling or anything, I just...

- Shhhh, stop, Nat, stop. It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. It's mine. It's my fault. But I'm going to make this right. Just please tell me you weren't fighting all of these bad guys alone, that you had backup and you're not working all the time. Tell me you're eating, drinking and sleeping enough.

- I-I am.

- Nat - she was clearly lying. I had to come back as soon as possible. I knew the Avengers may be not in the best form at the moment, but I'd never thought it's that bad.

- I'm trying, Steve.

- That's it. I'm coming back.

- What? Really? - I heard some sort of hope and delight in her voice.

- Yeah, really - I laughed quietly.

- But what about Tony?

- I'm gonna apologize to him again and help him, whether he wants it or not.

- Okay, remember I'm with you. I'll pick you up from the airport. Just text me.

- Okay, I'll be probably at ten tomorrow morning, but I'll text you, Nat. We're gonna be all right - I assured her, - I love you.

- Love you too, see you tomorrow.

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