I woke up and saw that Nat was sleeping so I went to do breakfast. I made us toasts and scrambled eggs, during this I did some thinking. Then I went back to the room with full plate for her and a note, I tried to be as quiet as I could leaving the food on the bedside cabinet. I went to the kitchen again and ate breakfast. Then I started doing everything what Nat said she has to do but I couldn't stop thinking about Tony. I went to his room without really thinking this through, you only live once, right?

I slowly opened the door and came inside, Friday said that I'm here and Tony showed up really quickly like he wanted to see for himself if this was true.

He smiled literally for a second and then his face turned into something filed with anger and irritation. I could see that he wanted to cover his anxiety with confidence.

- I think I told you I never wanna see you again - he shouted.

- Yes and that's what I did. I disappeared. For a long time until I found out what's going on with the team and with you - I took a few steps forward.

- That's.. that's none of your business. Not anymore. And now get out of my house!

- No - I said calmly.

- What did you just say?

- No.

First he was confused and I saw he hesitated for a moment but then he quickly came close to me and put me on the ground. He was on his knees upon me and he punched me in my face many times. I didn't do anything, I was just laying there. I deserved it and if it's gonna help him at least a little, I wanna let him do it.

- And you know what? I've been drinking because of you! It's all your fault! If you didn't betray me I would be happy without being an addict again. You ruined everything! You ruined my life! I am broken! I'm- I'm broken - Tony wasn't punching me anymore, he was sitting on my knees crying and his hands were on his face. I sat straight and hugged him into my arms - I don't wanna be broken - he whispered weeping.

- I know, you won't be, shhhhh - I held him until he calmed down, he looked at me and I wiped away his tears. We looked in each other eyes for a moment in silence, pleasant silence. Suddenly he sat and said:

- I can't Steve, I can't. I'm still mad at you, you hurt me very much.

- I know, Tony. I am so so so so sorry. I didn't wanted to lie to you but I also didn't wanted to hurt your feelings. Believe me I wish I could turn back time and handle everything better but I can't so please, please let me fix this. I swear I'll do anything.

- I don't know, I'm not there yet, Steve. I wanna be but it's more complicated You shouldn't lie, that's worse than the truth. I needed you then, I needed my friend and you weren't there. I haven't seen you for so long and when I look at you, it still hurts cause I remember that moment exactly. I felt like I've lost my best friend for ever and I couldn't even look at you cause I saw the betrayal, the lies and the pain that you brought.

- And now?

- I- It's just too fresh. I need more time, okay?

- Of course. Take all the time you need. I'll wait but I won't leave you like that. Tony, you need to heal, will you please go to therapy and rehab?

- Rogers, stop, I'm not going anywhere.

- Okay, so me too.

- You think you'll brek me doing this - he snorted.

- Yeah.

- Then you're wrong.

Suddenly, I had a insane idea that may actually work. I started singing some modern song that I knew Tony hated. I sang even louder.

- Okay, that's it - Tony said and cover my mouth then tried to pulling me to the doors. And that way we were once again on the floor.

- Please.

- Why do you want me to go to therapy so bad?

- Because! I'm really worried about you and... the team needs you, it's literally falling apart without you.

- What do you mean?

- Have you seen Thor or Clint lately? Do you know that Nat was going on almost every mission alone and she was taking care of every mess that Fury told her to.

- I didn't know that. What about Banner?

- Apparently he's having so trouble connecting with Hulk, from what I know he should be back in a few weeks.

- And how's Nat?

- She's... I'm not sure. I know she's exhausted and probably not eating or sleeping enough but she's trying to hide it as always. I'm worried about her but again I'm here and I'll take care of her and all of it. She's been through so much.

- She must've felt so alone. And I wasn't there for her. I was only drinking and I haven't even come to her, I didn't do anything and yet she still came to me with food and tried to help me and all I did was nothing.

- Tons-

- I was so awful, so selfish, I should've notice this, I-I have to talk to her.

- Tony - I stopped him from opening the door. - Calm down, it's not your fault and the only thing Nat wanted from you and needed you to do was and still is, is sobering up, going to a rehab and therapy.

- How do you know that?

- I talk to her, she didn't know how to encourage you to go.

- I can try if you both think it's gonna help me.

- It will, I've found the best clinic and it's not far away, I can take you there tomorrow, okay?

- Yeah.

- Did you eat something?

- Yes, mom, I ate - I gave him a look. - Okay not really.

- Come on - I pushed him slightly to the door and we went to the kitchen.

I gave him a cup full of water and started making him breakfast.

- You don't have to- I put an apple in his mouth cause I knew what he was gonna say.

I was almost done with the meal and Nat came in, she saw me first and said
,,Really, a note?" but when she saw Tony she couldn't believe it. Her eyes were wide open and even if she's just woke up she was very awake now.

- What's happening? Am I in the wrong universe or timeline?

We laughed.

- No, Nat you're fine.

- Great, so I couldn't get his out of his room for weeks and you did this in just a moment?

Tony got up from a chair and came to Nat.

- I'm so so so sorry, Nat, I didn't wanted to act this way and leave you all alone.

- It's okay, you didn't know.

- But I should've and I should've been there-

- Hey - he was looking at the floor, so she made him look at her and touched his arm. - The important thing is that you're here now.

- Thank you for the breakfast, Ste.

Tony got back to the table and Nat sat next to him. I was done with the cooking so I put the pancakes on his plate. We were talking and it was almost like the old times though three of us wasn't here. And at that very moment I got a text.

- Guys, they got a lead!

- On what? - Tony asked.

- On Clint! We're gonna find him.

- I- do they know if he's okay? Is he alive? - Nat was really anxious.

- I don't know, but if they got a lead we should find out really really soon. They're doing everything they can.

Tony saw that she was very worried too so we both started to chat her up as good as we could. But I know her mind was still with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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