First Love

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I wake up with that same bubbly feeling in my stomach that i got yesterday.

Cams arm i wrapped around me and it is deathly close to my butt.

i have my legs tangled with his and then the pain starts to come.

i wince with the slightest movement.

i look at Cam and his face looks like a god.

his lips are parted and he is breathing so quietly you would be surprised if he was at all.

i remember its saturday and I'm automatically releaved.

i look at the time and its 8:30.

i try and move out of his arms but he won't let go.

what ever, i feel comfortable.

i close my eyes attempting to fall back asleep but i can't.

i open my eyes and i see bright green ones staring back at me.

" hi Einstein." i say.

" hey Scar." he says with a small smile.

" so, what are we doing today. "

he flips to his back making his hand fall to my butt.

my face heats up a little and i take his hand and move it up to my back.

he smirks and puts his hand back and says. " i don't know, its my moms birthday in a couple days, i should probably get her something. "

" okay." i say " where would we go."

" i don't know, we'll figure it out." he says and he sits up and i role onto my stomach trying to make it look like it doesn't hurt.

" Scarlett." he says saying my whole name, which made my heart sink a little.

" huh." i say.

" what happened."

" what are you talking about." i say but i know i what hes talking about.

" you know exactly."

" i told you this already."

" it wasn't a good reason."

i take a deep breath and i sit up and i look at him.

" would you like a story or explanation."

" either. "

" fine, Kristy assumed i was 'taking' you way from her." i said with air quotes, " and she obviously didn't like it. so she beat me up, faked it and now I'm suspened for a week. "

he sits there starring at me. i can't tell if he's angry, upset, or just in aww.

" your suspened?"

" thats what i said. " i say.

then he reaches up his hand and he gently touches my chin and moves my head to the side and he looks closely at my neck.

my cheeks heat up and he runs his finger down the side of my neck down my collar bone.

" why is it so big."

" i don't know, she kicked me so i guess i would get a pretty large bruise. " i said as if he sould know this.

" but, why would it be this big. "

" Cam, i don't know."

his finger runs over my collar bone and to the top of my shirt.

" but, didn't you hit her back."

First LoveWhere stories live. Discover now