First Love

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Right when i wake up, my stomach pain was extreme. It felt like dynamite was being exploded inside me.

I groan and i roll onto my back and i hold my stomach. I must woken up Cam because he pushes himself up onto his elbows and looks at me with his eyes half closed.

" whats wrong."

" nothing." i say pulling the blanket over me.

He slides under the blanket scooting down and he puts his hands on either side of me stomach.

" you need to stop hurting your mom." he says and he kisses my stomach and puts his head down next to me.

I try and fall back asleep but i can't. I feel extremely restless.

I run my fingers through Cams hair trying to keep myslef occupied. I twist and twirl his extremely soft hair.

" Babe, you are distracting me from sleeping."

" I'm trying to distract myself. "

" Fine, but there are always more ways to distract yourself." he says crawling out from under the blanket.

" oh yeah, how."

" like this." he says pressing his lips against mine.

I smile against his lips and i run my hand down his neck and i intertwine my fingers in his hair.

I flip us over so I'm ontop. I like being ontop. But so does Cam. He is much more dominant, but i will take the chance when i get it.

I don't have a baby bump just yet, but i can definitely tell that i'm close to it.

I press my hips flush against him and he grips onto my sides holding me tightly.

He runs his free hand up to my neck and he takes ahold of my ponty tail holder and he pulls it out, letting my hair cascade done.

He runs his fingers threw my hair slightly tugging on the ends making fireworks explode inside me. I moan against his lips and he gives a smirk in return.

He flips us back over and he slides his knee in between my legs. I run my fingers threw his hair pulling on the ends and i hear a faint knock at the door.

He jumps up and says, " I'll get it."

" your such an ass." i say.

" launguage." he says pointing a finger at me with a fake glare, while running out of the room.

I sit up and i walk down the hall and into the kitchen. I grab some yogurt and a spoon and i sit down at the bar and i start to eat.

Finally i hear Cams footsteps coming down the hall and he walks into the kitchen.

" who was it. "

" neighbor."

" oh, what did he want."

" he just wanted to know if he could use our hose. His broke so i just said yes." he says not looking at me, which is strange for Cam.

" oh, okay." i say eating some more of my yogurt.

" I've got to go babe. I'll be back later." Cam says a few minutes later walking out of the bedroom wearing some jeans and a t shirt. His usual outfit.

" okay." i say and he kisses my cheek and grabs his keys and walks out the door.

I finish my breakfast, and i make sure Einstein has food and water before i go back to take a shower.

Einstein is asleep on Cam and I's bed with his legs stuck up in the air and snoring loudly. I laugh at him and i get in the shower.

I hear something out in the kitchen and i think its probably just Einstein or Cam maybe forgot something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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