Chapter Six: Kiri Mercy

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Frisk POV

I stood motionlessly as I stared at the girl I had deemed dead all those years ago. She'd be around 12 now. She was 6 when I lost her and it's been almost 6 years...

"Frisk!" I snapped my gaze away from the girl and towards Michael, who called my name. "Are you alright, fair lady?"

Oh, mass murder is gonna happen once again.

"I-I'm fine." I muttered, my eyes flickering towards everyone who was staring at me. Asriel knew about Kiri, but didn't show any emotion at the state of the girl. Jake was too young to understand and mother and father saw her as nothing but a servant. A slave. "I..." My eyes became glossy as I spoke. "I accept the gift. Thank you." I grab the girl's arm but Michael stops me before I can leave.

"My lady, there are terms to the gift--" I swat his hand away.

"Yeah, sure I accept." I mutter and pulled her from the throne room, G, Asriel and Jake running after me.

I got only a little ways before I kneeled down and pulled Kiri into a hug. She didn't hug back instead she stood still.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered as the others witnessed the scene before them. "I'm so, so sorry..." Kiri lightly patted my back but she was clearly feeling awkward.

"It's...Um...Okay, my lady..." She muttered. I took note of the lifeless note in her voice but that wasn't what had shocked me.

"Kiri, It's me, Frisk. Don't you remember?" I grabbed her hands, staring deep into her turquoise eyes. They seemed so tired and empty.

"I don't know a Frisk, my princess." She grumbled, the dark pink bow in her hair swaying as she tilted her head.

"You...No, you can't have forgotten! Come on Kiri!" I grabbed her arms roughly, not intentionally, of course. "Please! Y...You must know something...!"

"M-My princess, you're hurting me..." She attempted to pull herself away but I only pulled her back.

"P-Please, you must remember the prison, t-the colouring book, Jaydon, anything! Please!" Tears ran down my eyes as the dirty face of the girl turned pained as my grip got tighter.

"I don't know! I don't know! Please stop hurting me!" She begged, her own tears streaming down. In the end Asriel and G had to pull me away but I didn't want to leave her.

"Frisk, give her time." Asriel told me, holding my shoulder as Jake spoke with the girl, trying to comfort her. I must've caused some damage due to the finger prints on her arms. "She'll remember you."

I was silent as I turned around slowly and wrapped my arms around G. I know it was selfish. I know I had no right. But he was the only one who knew Kiri. The only one who knows how this feels.

In turn, all he could do was wrap his arms around me in turn as I cried. There was nothing else I could do. I missed this warm feeling though.

Asriel patted my shoulder as he watched my son and daughter begin playing patty cake.

"It's been years Frisk. Don't take it to heart, she'll be back soon." Asriel said, patting my head. I nod, burying my head into G further.

"Don't worry, Angel. Everything will be fine..." G muttered lightly, stroking my hair with his bony fingers. "She'll remember. She just needs the time." I nodded and pulled away from him, not wanting to force myself to care for G again.

My ears suddenly perked when a familiar lullaby surfaced from my memory. A lullaby I used to help Kiri sleep.

I looked towards my two children, parting my lips lightly.

Cast away your worries, my dear
For tomorrow comes a new day

Kiri stopped and slowly looked toward me, nothing remained in her eyes as she stared.

Hold to me, you've nothing to fear
For your dreams are not far away

As you lay your head and you rest
May your dreams take over my love
Listen close, my son of the west
For your destiny lies above

Kiri stood up and watched me, looking at all three of us. Her eyes stopped on G as if contemplating something but she didn't seem sure.

Though the world is cruel
There's a light that still shines
In the darkest days of our lives

When all hope seems lost
And you can't find your way
Think of me as you look to the sky

Kiri took a light step towards me but hesitated as she looked the other way but looked back, unsure of what to do.

Child mine, your future is bright
For your father's blood's in your veins
In dark times, I pray you will fight
For the world will soon know your name

"...F...Frisk...?" Her tone of voice explained everything. She was feeling very emotional to say the least. Who could blame the poor child.

"Yes, Kiwi. It's me." I muttered tearfully as joy filled my tired soul. The small girl looked away once again but my arms opened as I kneeled down and smiled at her.

She wasted no time in running up to me and wrapping her arms around my neck as mine go around her back.

"I missed you..." She whimpered as I feel her tears run down my shoulder. "I thought of you always and one day...I couldn't..." I felt my heart shatter as her cries became wails of sadness and desperation.

"It's okay...I'm here now...I'll always be here..." My eyes lightly shut as I felt the bliss of having my long lost daughter in my arms.


"Kiri...There's actually something I need to tell you..." She pulled away from me and looked deep into my gray eyes. "It's...Difficult to say the least..." I nibbled on my bottom lip.


"I just need you to know that....I am deeply sorry I never told you this but..." I inhaled deeply and stared seriously into my daughter's eyes. "I...I am your mother..."

"I know."



Hope you enjoyed 💜💜

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