Chapter Fifteen: Stay with me

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Once Frisk was feeling better Micheal decided it would be best they get married as quickly as possible. I'll be dead before I let that happen. The guy screams creep and I hate what he wrote in that letter. Only I'm the one who can do that with her. She's mine.

I had also notice Frisk was very quick to ask me to stay with her. For example, she asked me the morning after if she could paint me. (NO FRENCH GIRLS PLZ) I had nothing else to do, so I agreed. We didn't even paint after that. She started to sketch me but than decided to take a 2 hour break. So we just talked to each other. It was nice to just talk instead of worry.

Another time, she asked me to help her with her paperwork. Of course, I agreed again and she didn't actually have that many to do. We, again, just ended up talking.

Frisk actually has been walking next to me since we went shopping for her wedding dress. I could tell that she hated all the...The glamour of the dress but her mother likes it, so she's making Frisk wear it. I can't say I like it either.

Of course, if Frisk had half the chance she'd probably burn it. But her mother would never let Frisk live it down if she did. She's also forcing Frisk to wear the wedding ring, which I can tell is tearing Frisk apart.

I will save her from this. Even if it's the last thing I do. I swore to myself that once this is over, I will marry her.

Of course, I haven't spoke to her about this yet. I want it to be a surprise and maybe I can get her a different ring. I can make her happy and I will. I promised myself that. It's just a matter of patience and when Frisk will let closer to her heart again.

Right now, Frisk is having troubles with who she can trust. She's getting better but she also needs more time. Maybe I can help her but right now she needs time to herself.

"G, can you take me for a stroll in the park?" Frisk's heavenly voice snaps me out of my thoughts as she tugged gently on my hand. The others were talking about the wedding plans so, they wouldn't noticed if we slipped out for a second.

"Sure, let's go, sweetheart." We quickly rushed to the nearby park before anyone could catch us. The park was perfect for walks. Stone pavements, roses, fresh air everywhere. I could see why Frisk wanted to be here. "So, what's been your deal lately?" I asked, getting straight to the point of what's been on my mind. My question shocked her clearly.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, sitting on a bench by a large tree and some bushes behind us. She was lyin' through her teeth. She knew I noticed her little attempts to be around me at all times. Not that I'm complaining, I'm just worried for her.

"Y'know you can't lie to me, angel. Ya might as well come clean." She opened her mouth to argue but I coulf tell from the way she hesitated that she had no words.

"I'm not lying! I--" She crossed her arms and pouted. "Okay, fine. I have been making excuses to be close to you." She muttered as if each word was going to kill someone.

"Come on, Sweetheart. Cough up the truth." She glared at me for a second before letting out a sigh, muttering something inaudible. "What was that, love?" She took a deep breath before facing me, her eyes looked as beautiful as ever.

"I'm scared, okay? I'm scared, I'll wake up in the morning and instead of you being in my bed, I'll see Micheal. I...I don't want that, I want you!" She sighed, looking into the various coloured roses around us. There was silence for a few minutes as I processed the words she just spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me to begin with?" She shrugged as the wind gently danced through her short but beautiful hair. It really brought out her skin. More than it did when it was long.

"I...I didn't want to bother you...I thoug--" Her voice was interrupted by the faint yelps behind her. They weren't human, more like a puppy...Like it was crying for help.

Curiousity seemed to get the best of Frisk as she went behind the bench and looked into the bushes by the tree.

There stood two dogs, barely above the ages 1 or 2. Let's just say young. One of them looked like a Border Collie while the other resembled a German Sheppard but with two large scars across one of it's eyes.

 One of them looked like a Border Collie while the other resembled a German Sheppard but with two large scars across one of it's eyes

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"G, one of thems hurt!" Frisk proclaimed, pointing to the two fuzzy creatures

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"G, one of thems hurt!" Frisk proclaimed, pointing to the two fuzzy creatures. The Collie appeared to have barbed wire wrapped tightly around it's leg.

I tried to help the poor little pup, but the German shepard was less than willing to have the other hurt. But I knew if we left the pup to suffer it would die during the night.

So I had no choice. I held the German shepard down using telekinesis and pulled the other toward me carefully. Frisk quickly grabbed my hand, as if stopping me from going further.

"You aren't going to kill her, are you?" Frisk asked, concern laced on her face. I smiled at her reassuringly, placing my free hand upon her pale knuckles.

"No, I'll make her sleep and than I'll remove the barbed wire. When she's sleeping she won't feel a single thing. From there I can simply heal her. She'll need a while but she'll be back on her feet." Frisk bit her lip, probably feeling worried for the little pup. Regardless, she moved her hand away and picked up the german shepard and walked away to stay out the way. Or to simply avoid the blood.

"Alright, little one..." I muttered, my eye glowing yellow as I gently sent it to sleep. "Let's see what I can do for you."


I feel like I completely failed with this chapter...

Hope you enjoyed 💜💜

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