Babay face to heel

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Ok so she was in the summer slam. Match and I had high momentum the fans were chanting for me I put the champion in a dis arm her  then Charlotte comes in the ring from behind and does a natural selection then cost me to lose the match yes me and Charlotte was best friends so  at the end of the match we hugged but I was not forgetting about all the time she put  me behind her so I decided to slap her and full on attack it because I wasn't let in some girl gets in the way of me becoming the best and I new I could be and the champion  with out her I knew I could be it if it wasn't for her she Was getting all the title opportunities all the main events shows she is making history well I was the afterthought so on SmackDown I decided to explain why I did it and I did it because I didn't see Charlotte in my life anymore no I got a title shot against my ex bestfriend I finally got my rematch and I won the title I was the new smackdown woman's champion I now I don't  have to have Charlotte In My life to be champion I knew I could do it and I knew  I didn't need here now I prove that I am relentless I am the lass kicker Becky Lynch and that's all people need to now for now

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