It All Comes Out

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{Yuvexa P.O.V}


I know damn well my motherfuckin Bluetooth did not just die on me. I was just about to plug it up to charge until I heard a knock at my door.

"Who the fuck is at my door?" I looked in my peek hole and seen Jaxahl standing there with her hands in her pockets so I opened it.

"Wha-" I couldn't even finish what I had to say cause she pushed me inside my own home and closed the door then locked it.

"Don't be fucking puttin yo hands on me bitch!" She laughed and yanked my hair.

"Why the fuck would you take Arashel to go see her?" I kicked her in her stomach and she flexed her abs so it wouldn't hurt.

"Because she deserves to see the woman who birthed her and has been looking for her since she was taken. That's why. Anymore questions?" Yep Jaxahl has something to do with this little situation about Shels mom too, but one day I'll tell her.

"You just don't get it do you?" She chuckled and shook her head.

"Don't get what? That she has every right to see her mother and not stay in that shit hole of a palace working for free. I think I get it very well."

"Your so dumb Yuvexa, and to think you almost had my baby." She started laughing and my eyes got watery.


That was one the most painful experiences I went through, and for her to throw that shit in my face like that is really foul as fuck. How did we even get on this topic?

"Man get out...just go." I don't usually cry in front of people, except in front of my mom and Shel, but losing a baby really hurt me.

"You know you have to tell her-"

"Nah nah YOU have to tell her. YOU the one who wanted to fuck me so don't act innocent now. As a matter of fact, I'll tell her." Jaxahl wrapped her hand around my throat and squeezed it cutting off my air way.

"Don't tell her shit or I'll fucking kill you my damn self. You acting like I wanted to fuck you. We was drunk, nothing but drunk sex. Get over it." She finally let me go and I dropped to my knees breathing hard.

"BUT DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE MY VIRGINITY!?" She rolled her eyes and turned around to leave.

"For the last fucking time, we were drunk." She opened the door and was just about to walk out until I spoke again.

"I bet Shel doesn't know that your a nasty pathetic little he/she." I laughed and she charged at me evidently angry. Good.

"Go ahead and hit me. I bet you put your hands on her too, cause if you don't have no respect for other woman then you don't have no respect for her either." She stopped and clenched her fists tightly.

"You know what? I'm not gone waste my energy on you tonight. Just know when you end up dead I hope you see your mother in hell." With that she laughed and left, slamming my door in the process.

Did she really have to bring my mom into this? The one person I hold dear to in my heart. At this point I hate my life and maybe I should end it.

No one really cares about me...

I wasn't pose to update this early but a little crybaby wanted me to so here ya go. Short and boring.

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