Lesson 78 - Christian Marriage

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Christian Marriage


Notes taken from "The Home," by John R. Rice, and "A Guide for the Course in Marriage

and Family Relationships," by Maria Fe G. Atienza.

Marriage was meant to be happy as it is the residue of sinless Eden, Gen. 1 :28.

Pro. 18 ;22, "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord."

Marriage has been ordained of the Lord for the procreation of the race and the establishment

of homes for children where happiness and joy can reign.

Marriage is the oldest human institution. It is older than the church or human government.

We live in a day of low moral standards, when marriage vows are easily broken and divorce

is considered common. God's laws and standards do not change.


1. To obey the command of God. Gen. 1:28, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the


2. For fellowship. Gen. 2 :18, "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be

alone." The exception seems to be the pioneer missionary like the Apostle Paul in which I

Cor. 7 :32 is true.

3. For partnership. Eccles. 4:9-11. Two are better than one, for if they fall, one will lift up the

other. It takes the two to make "one flesh." Gen. 2 :24.

4. To satisfy biological desires. Man is born with certain desires that are good, holy and

legitimate but can only be satisfied in marriage.

5. For the propagation of the human race, Gen. 1 :28; Gen. 9 :1.


Christians may only marry Christians.

II Cor 6:14-17, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers."

In God's sight it is a travesty for a godly person and an ungodly one to be united in holy

matrimony to be one flesh. How can they be one when one serves God, holiness and

righteousness, while the other serves sin and Satan?

How can these who are so different form a true partners hip and have fellowship?

Christian ministers of the Gospel ought not to perform mixed marriages.

Generally a boy chooses a girl of mature Christian character with similar background, tastes,

education, religion and interests, a little younger than himself.

The girl accepts the proposal from a man who is of the same religion, background, education,

likes and dislikes, who is a gentleman at all times.


1. When God guides you into marriage after much prayer and seeking His will.

2. When you know the other person sufficiently well to know his or her likes and dislikes,

good points and bad points. Hasty marriages are dangerous.

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