One-Hundred Five

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The finality of the keystroke that clocked me out was the strangest kind of refreshing; I could feel myself relax, though that didn't mean I was completely satisfied. Sort of like when you get an A- on a paper. Pretty good grade, but there should have been more.

Still, what did I have to complain about? My last shift was over, I was headed back to college the next day, and I'd checked my bank account that morning to see a healthy little boom in my finances. Not so big that I wasn't still planning on getting a job when I went back to college, but it was refreshing all the same. I wouldn't have to start thinking about using loans or credit any time soon.

I grabbed my coat and headed into the back room, where Frank was already waiting with a somewhat sad smile. "That it?" he asked as soon as I walked through.

"That's it," I confirmed with a bittersweet smile, "At least until summer. Think you guys can survive until then?"

"Well, I've been looking at our business for the last few weeks and, thankfully, you being back has had no marketable difference on profits. So I think we'll be okay."

"Jeez, did Rhona feed you that line?"

He laughed at that, then tapped his computer with a fingernail. "I can give you the long, tedious rundown if you want. Even got a couple of charts to help you out."

"Sounds like Rick being able to prove Morty's a dumb piece of shit. I'll take your word for it." I walked over to the desk and stuck my hand out. "Thanks for letting me come back. I'm gonna miss the place."

"It'll still be here when you get back," he chuckled, shaking my hand firmly, "And we should be good to keep you aboard. Provided nothing happens."

"And what's the 'nothing' that shouldn't happen?"

He shrugged. "Let's no go too deep into it so we don't jinx it. By the way, if you wanted to do some work at a store over there, I can make a call. Just let me know where it's at and I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, but I think this is the only GameStop for me." Mainly because Rhona would instantly find out and I'd never hear the end of it. Wouldn't put it past her to somehow show up at that store, which would almost certainly be my last day working there.

"Well, wherever you might want to work, just give me a heads up and I'll see what I can do." He nodded at me and gave me a smile. "Sorry to see you leave but hope you have a good second semester. And hope some more of the acting stuff pans out for you."

"Me too," I replied, shoving all of those thoughts as deep down into my brain as I could. I didn't need to be stressing about the 'what ifs' at the moment. I'd hoped that deciding to take a second major would help alleviate some of that stress, but alas...

Rhona had clocked out a couple hours before, but since she didn't say goodbye to me at the time, I just knew that she was going to be waiting for me right outside of the store. And sure enough..."Took your time," she commented dryly as soon as I stepped outside. Because of course she did.

"Had to say goodbye to the boss," I replied matter-of-factly, "Just like I have to say goodbye to you now. Would you like a hug or are you more of a fist-bump kind of person?"

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist. "Come on," she growled, pulling me over towards a car that I assumed was hers. Given that I'd never actually seen her pull up or drive away or anything, I could only speculate. And she said she usually walked to work, so what the Hell did I know?

"Would my car be easier?" I asked, mainly just to see what kind of reaction I'd get to such a question.

"Be alone with you in your car? No thanks. I'd rather not be kidnapped." Before I could even begin to scrape the top off that lunacy, she'd hauled open the passenger side door of her car and gestured in. "Come on, I wanna get the heater on quick."

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