「 three 」

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THE STRINGS of her violin echoed through Millie's room. The bow in her hands brushed smoothly against the strings as she continued the soft and slow melody of the music. Her posture was perfectly placed as she played. She made the violin look like an easy instrument, which isn't. For all her life, all she's ever done was play the violin and never play a single not wrong. If she did, no dinner tonight.

She heard her bedroom door creak open as he loud sigh erupted through her room making Millie stop the music that was filling the air making her eyes roll. She watched as the redhead lied half awake on her bed who's hair was tide up in a tight bun and her ballet shoes close to falling off her fingertips. She was an absolute sweaty mess but somehow successfully kept her hair tight as always.

It was unusual on how the two met, it's not like they had the same majors but they did attend the same art school. Sadie has been dancing since she was a child and it's something that she's grown to love. This was a talent of hers, the way everything came naturally. She was never the energetic type, but the moment she hears the music, it's like she becomes a completely different person.

The two met at the subway when Millie decided to play on the streets that night, hoping she'd gain a little bit of cash. Millie watched as strangers rushed passed her, not even bothering to take at least a single glance toward her direction. It was until a young redhead watched close by Millie's beautiful playing fill the stuffy and dirty subway. The redhead suddenly dropped her things and began dancing gracefully, spinning perfectly with her feet barely touching the ground. With both there talent working together, they gained at least two hundred dollars that night. Ever since that night, the two stayed close friends.

Since then, the two were inseparable. The only trouble that Millie ever faced with Sadie is her social status. It seamed as if she was friends with every person she saw, including the ones that Millie was never fond of, especially Maddie. Sadie met Maddie through her dance classes since the two are both majoring in dancing. As much as Millie tries to be as kind as she can to Maddie, her bitterness seams to take the most out of Millie. Their dislike toward one another got worse when Sadie offered there place to Maddie without even telling Millie.

Sadie groans tiredly against Millie's pillow as he tired figure laid lazily on her bed leaving no room for millie to sit. Millie sighed as she placed her violin down against her violin holder. Millie crossed her arms against her chest knowing that Sadie will be going on through another rant once again. Millie shoved Sadie's leg to the side as she sat beside Sadie.

"What happened?" Sadie was growing even more frustrated by the minute.

"It's my new dumb Russian professor!" Millie scoffed at how ironic that sounds. It seams as if every Russian lady is a professional ballerina. Sadie goes on explaining how much of a nit picker she is and how much her professor practically hates everyone but hates her the most.

"The only person she doesn't hate is Maddie, which I don't get." Millie layed on the pillow beside Sadie as she continued listening to her bitter rant about her Russian professor. Millie enjoyed times like this, it was rare to have especially since Maddie moved in. Even though they live in the same apartment, it seams like Sadie and Millie never have time for each other anymore. Sadie finally ended her rant with a loud sigh.

"Anyways, are you gonna come with us tomorrow night?" Millie raised a brow, not knowing information about what'll be happening tomorrow night.

"What's happening tomorrow night?" Sadie looked puzzled, suddenly sitting up to face Millie.

"It's a party that this guy is running that Maddie's friends with. You should go, it'll be fun." Millie wasn't really a party person but that wouldn't stop her to go occasionally. Millie thought for a moment that she probably won't be able to go. She already signed up for another audition, a party could mess with her usual practice schedule.

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