~The Legend~

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(Hey guys! Quick note. If you see bold fonts WITH parentheses it means it's an author's note. This isn't a chapter but it is. This is the story of the Legend. If you want to know the legend, read this!)

Bold- Skyla
Italic- Sky

Long ago in Minecraftia, chaos was everywhere. Because of this, Notch divided Minecraftia into three dimensions. Two gender bend dimensions and the mid-dimension. The first gender bend dimension is Craftia. The second one is Mineia. Notch created the Mid-Dimension so that he can put together people from Craftia and Mineia that will be able to live peacefully. He put his brother Herobrine to guard the Mid-Dimension. Herobrine gladly agreed and went to the Mid-Dimension.
So, he was fine with? What does it have to do? Important details only!
Shut up! Want to hear the Legend or not!?
Okay! Sorry.....
Anyways, on with the story. One day, Herobrine turned evil. He vowed to kill everyone who came to the Mid-Dimension. Nobody knows why he turned evil not even Notch! Legend has it that 18 Mineians and Craftians would be sent in the Mid-Dimension by Notch. These people will be exact gender bends of each other. Each of the pairs of gender bends will get a matching gem among the two. These are their weapons for when the time comes that they have to defeat Herobrine. One gender bend pair will be different from the others. They will be powerful and kind. One of the two will have to sacrifice. There is a way for that one to be saved.
But, it is in riddles:
One must sacrifice for the other one to be safe.
In order to save the one who sacrificed, an ancient ritual must be made.
These two lovers may either die together,
Or live a happily ever after.
They will either rule the Mid-Dimension,
Or never see the sun.
Nothing can break this, their destiny must be fulfilled.
Nobody has ever heard of people mysteriously disappearing so they remembered this as a myth. But, I believe the day will come because of this. Now I just wonder, which pair?

The Other Me (TeamCrafted FF)Where stories live. Discover now