Chapter 5 ~Warnings~

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Kermit's POV

It's been 2 weeks and Sky still hasn't waken up. After Seto and Sirena told us the situation, this was a bit good for him. He won't have to suffer until he wakes up. Skyla is just broken. Sometimes we hear Sky shouting her name. This made Skyla both happy and worried. It's just nice to know he's alive. As I was walking to the kitchen, I heard someone scream. "Help!" I heard a boy shout. Before I knew it, everyone including me was running down the stairs. We all gasped when we saw what was happening. Sky was awake but Skyla was being held up by Herobrine. Suddenly, all the other girls were held up by a Herobrine clone. "Mish!" Mitch said charging to the clone holding Mish. The clone swatted him away and laughed. He was knocked back into the wall and passed out. "Mitch! Let me go you stupid clone!" Mish said trying to escape the clone's grasp. "Sky! You and your friends have 50 days until you fight me. If not, say goodbye to all of the girls!" Herobrine said disappearing. Sky caught Skyla before she hit the ground. Soon, the clones started vanishing and we caught the girls except for Mish. Mish landed on her feet and ran to Mitch. "Mitch! Wake up! Please!" Mish said hugging his head and tearing up. Mitch's eyes started opening slowly. "What happened?" Mitch said rubbing his head. "Herobrine" Sky said. "Oh yeah. Mish, are you okay!?" Mitch said turning to Mish examining her. "I'm fine! Oh shit...." Mish said looking at Mitch. "What!? What's wrong!?" Skyla said waking up. "Mitch is bleeding!" Mish said holding Mitch's head. "Let me see!" Sirena said kneeling next to Mitch. "What does it look like?" Sky said. "Why would you ask how a bleeding head looks like!?" Trina practically shouted. "Not that way! Like how is it? Details!" Sky said. "Oh. Sorry" Trina said a little red from embarrassment. "Don't worry about it" Sky said smiling. "So? Details?" Kayla asked Sirena. "Nothing too major. Just need to stitch the way Sky was" Sirena said slowly smirking. "What!? You stitched me!?" Sky said to Sirena. "Nope. She did" Sirena said pointing to Trina. "That's it!" Sky said charging towards Trina. "Gotta run!" Trina said running outside.
Trina's POV

I ran outside with Sky right behind me. I jumped from tree to tree hoping to loose Sky on the way. I stopped on a tree and turned around. As I turned around, Sky tackled me pinning me to the ground. "How are you so fast with a stitched ankle!?" I asked in disbelief. "What?" Sky said letting go if me. He looked at the bandage and removed it. It didn't have the wound anymore! Or the stitches! "Woah" I said in awe. "Sky! Please tell me you haven't made out with my girlfriend yet!" I heard Ty shout from the distance. Me and Sky laughed at Ty's remark but was interrupted by Sky shrieking a bit. "Are you okay?" I asked worried. Sky nodded but I knew he was lying. He clutched his head and fell from the tree. "Sky!" I said following him. I caught up to him, carried him and stopped our fall by grabbing onto a branch. "Ty! Help!" I shouted jumping down to the ground. "What!? What did Sky do!?" I heard Ty answer. "Nothing!" I said laying Sky down on the ground. "Then what happe-" Ty said running to me but stopped when he saw Sky. "We have to get back. Come on!" Ty said carrying Sky. We ran back to the house avoiding mobs since it was turning night. I opened the door and we ran into the house locking the door behind us. "What happened!? What the hell did you do Trina!?" Skyla said pinning me to the wall. "What is with people and pinning me to stuff today?" I mumbled. "Don't change the subject Trina!" Skyla said pinning me harder to the wall. "Skyla stop! Your gonna kill her!" Sirena said. "She messes with my Sky she gets it!" Skyla said. "Stop!" Sirena said pulling her away from me with her purple magic.
Skyla's POV

"We're taking this outside!" I said facing Sirena. Suddenly, a yellow aura surrounded Sirena and threw her outside. "Sirena!" Seto said running outside. I grabbed my butter sword and started walking outside. "What the hell are you doing!?" Jade said stopping me. "Getting revenge" I said and slashed Jade with my sword. Jade clutched her stomach earning gasps from others. "What the hell Skyla!?" Mish said holding up her bow ready to shoot. I laughed evil and stared at them. "You have no idea what's about to happen" I said smirking and charged to them.

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