Gay rights

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So Emily just remembered me about this topic.

She wrote a rant and this was my comment:

Here in Croatia, that is still a fucked up question. I think they can't get legally married, but if they live toghether for 5 years, that is a married community. Whatever that means.

It basically means they didn't have a ceremony but they get married.

And I think this is stupid. Like @helvetica_octopus said, you can't make LOVE illegal. It is completely retarded. (sorry for the use of words :/)

I have 2 gay friends. Two girls. They are together for 6 months now. Have to say I am jelly because they have a so much better relationship than I have with a guy.

And by the way I forgot they can't adopt kids in the comment. Shit.

Song: Me and my broken heart by Rixton.

Rina xx

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