T ag ged uh o h

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That pesky lil glass container that holds liquid tagged me hhhh

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That pesky lil glass container that holds liquid tagged me hhhh

2. Do it in less than three days

3.say 10 things about yourself
1. Ill murder you if you ship tennisblock or lolligolf.
No I won't really- those ships just piss me off I
2. I'm going through a cr i s i s am I bi or pan
3. I'm a furry
4. You might already know this but I have an imaginary friend/bf called knife but not knife and he doesn't act like knife at all- I'll explain his story in another chapter if y'all want
5. I headcannon gb as bi and Tb as pan
6. I love taka from danganronpa and just died sad time :(((
7. I would hug almost anybody, at least at my school
8. Every night I lay down, stuff my face in my pillow and imagine a tenolf story, weather sfw or nsfw.
9. I've never kissed anybody before
10. Pee
That's one word of the entire sentence

4. Tag 28 people
B u think I have 28 ppl to tag?- here are random peepl

5. Put a title for the tag

6.tell a joke
Alright. Uhhh
Hey did the chicken cross the road?
Bc he was running from the kfc mafia

7. Write a spoiler for one of your stories
He sprinted out of _ and _s den, and everyone just stared. All of a sudden it hit tree.

8.put these rules in your tag
Wazz u mean

Random crap I think of 2Where stories live. Discover now