Danganronpa 52: The Fight For Hope || Chapter One, Unedited.

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the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity.
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Black. It started with black. I woke up to that color. I couldn't help but wonder why I was here. A confined space, not the ideal place I'd like to wake up in. Little slits near the top of the door shined a small amount of light.

'I suppose this is a locker?'

I gently pushed the door. The change in brightness hurt my eyes, though I adjusted quickly. Looking at my hands, I attempt to remember who I am.

'Rantaro Amami.'

Each second I spend in my thoughts, the more I remember. I remember being shoved into the van. I remember traveling to many places. I remember my sisters... remembering hurts, the less you know the less your knowledge can plague you. There must be a mistake here, right? Hell, I still feel like I don't know some things, as if there were a few missing puzzle pieces.

"Hello! You alive? You've been staring at your hands for far too long. Oh wait, no! You're reading your palms, aren't you? Wait, maybe your hands have eyes and you're having a staring contest!" An energetic voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Hm?" I look up to see two figures. One was female, or at least I'd assume, and the other was extremely tall. His neck somewhat reminded me of a few giraffes I've ran into while adventuring.

"Ah, don't ask so many questions my bro! Ah, what's the phrase....? Wait, I got it! Curiosity is an absolute pussy destroyer." I looked closer. He had dirty long hair and dreadlocks.

"Oh, it's curiosity killed the cat, but I caught your drift." I correct him. "Anywho, you fellows know how we got here exactly?"

  "Naw, broseph! Hoes be mad here!"

  "No, not really. We were just about to leave the room. What's your name?" The female asked.

  "Rantaro Amami. You?"

  "Annaisha Hara. And the tall dude is-"

  "Yo, yo, yo, I'm Samuel Clout, A.K.A. xXLil_SamXx. Nice to meet jah'."

  "... I'm gonna see what's beyond the exit of this class." I was not amused, I wanted to go back. I haven't even finished looking for my sisters.

  "Wait, wait, WAIT! We didn't even say our opening yet." Five tiny talking teddy bears were behind me. I quirked an eyebrow.

  "Aw! I'm sorry. Go on, what's your name, why are we here?" Hara kneeled down to be closer to the bears.

  "We can't continue if you keep asking questions, bastard!" The blue bear yelled.

  "Anyways, let's redo this! Next time, you don't try to leave the room, okay?" The scarfed bear said.

  They suddenly disappeared into thin air. After two seconds they reappeared. Seriously, how do they do that?

  "Rise and Shine, Ursine~!" Four yelled in unison, the other more robotic looking bear just stayed silent.

  "So, may I ask a question, now?" Hara asked.

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