Welcome To The Club, Gracie! || A Scene Concept of WAYBG.

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(Author's Note: Whenever you see WAYBG, it means "Where Are You, Bailey Grace?", which is a book I'm currently working on. This is only a segment of the unedited chapter.)

... I overhear my friends talking about a new person coming to our settlement. You see, it wouldn't matter most of the time. A person who was able to find refuge here rather than be out in the apocalyptic world? Cool. But this was different. It was a teenage boy our age. Most people wouldn't care, but being teens stuck in the apocalypse, we didn't have the chance to start a romance with anyone. New potential friends, or dare I say, partners, sounds intriguing.

"Hey, Janna! We should check out the new dude. Cute or not, it's good to greet him." Anna gave me a nudge.

"I'm good. I'll stay behind." I whispered. She looked at me as if I were stupid, then shrugged.

"Ah, your loss." She got up from the table and skipped her way to the entrance gate. I will admit, I was quite intrigued, but no way I can get caught up in romance. For Christ's sake, there is a war going on! Anyways, every male must serve in the army at 21. Should I care about this kid? No. Was what past me said.

The crowd around the gate was large, hell, all the girls were there and chatting. It didn't make it any better that this whole "reproduction" thing is being shoved down our throats. People were dying, but... kids? Too much effort. We are all gonna die one day, anyways. All the girls thought differently, though. They thought they could start a new life. Oh boy, they must be comedians because they are really making me laugh with that.

In just two seconds though, everything froze. Everything was still, perfect, in place. The only thing that moved was the gate door. It became clear to me.

He made it through security. He's here now... with a bunch of girls surrounding him, maybe some boys even, but regardless, he was here. I could hear a bunch of babbling and blurting in the crowd. Mr. Black finally came around to ease the crowd. His blue armband showed his superiority over the group, so everyone settled down. He gave directions and whatever, and I sat in my seat as I drifted away to dreamland...

  "Janna! Come over here to greet Bailey!" Mr. Black interrupted my slumber. I just briefly nodded and lazily walked to the group, hands in pocket. The new kid tried to shake my hand, but I still kept my hand in my pocket. The other chanted our normal greeting,

  "Welcome to the club, Gracie!"

  But I said,


  This was going to be a wild ride...

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