Chapter 25, Cole

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I felt peaceful.

  The feeling came even before I opened my eyes, and saw her face inches away from mine, before I realized the sweet smell of flower I had been breathing had come from her body.

  Then it turned into a profound happiness, so strong and absolute. It had never occurred to me, that reality could feel better than a dream, but here I am, and here she is, and these are all the proof I need.

  So I kissed her, because if I don't, the ever-swelling heart in my chest just might implode. She let out a small whimper, and I thought I had woken her, but she simply buried her face deeper into my chest, and kept on sleeping.

  That instance, the feeling was almost painful—to be so loved, and to love so hard.

  I just looked at her, counted every blessed second that I somehow managed to be lucky enough to have, saw her eyelids fluttered, and wondered what she's dreaming about. I hope it's good.

  Eventually, the alarm clock went off. I quickly turned it off, but she was already woken.

  "Is it the time already?" She asked in a still-sleepy voice.

  "Unfortunately, yes." I answered.

  She raised her head to give me a light kiss, but I wasn't having it. I prolonged it to the point we were both breathless before letting her go.

  The dressing up part of the routine, was interesting to say the least. When I rolled off the bed to find my clothes, I caught her staring at me, very openly cataloguing my entire body—not that I mind, though. She saw me catching her, and her face shot red as she buried it in the bedsheet.

  After a quick shower and grabbing a piece of bread from the kitchen, we headed for my office to get our supplies ready—guns, mostly. When we got out, Ruby and Liam were already waiting. Judging by the way she and Liam stood side by side, they've made up—if my assumption of them fighting before had been correct. Liam's brows went up the moment he saw me coming out of the office holding Sheena's hand, but he didn't comment on it. Neither did Ruby, besides the amused look they exchanged.

  "Be careful." As I was done handing over my duties to her in my absence, and assured her I have the cellphone for taking the pictures, Ruby said, "I mean it."

  "When was I not?" I gave her a smile, and patted her shoulder. She rolled her eyes at me, and I laughed.

  "Take care of things, boss." I gave her a mock salute before I turned around, and Liam, for some reason, came up to catch us before we could step through the threshold.

  "Take care of him," He laid a hand on Sheena's shoulder, and added, "for me."

  I whirled on him, finding him looking somewhat embarrassed, but holding onto some sort of pride to not let it show. Sheena threw me a meaningful smile. After a second of silent gaze, I pulled Liam in, and gave him a hug.

  "I'll see you tonight, brother." I said before I grabbed the duffel bag with one hand, Sheena's hand with another, and left for the tunnel.

   ╳   ╳   ╳

We arrived at the Sawtooth area at around noon. The Sawtooth camp was not like the other camps, which were mostly remodeled from old school grounds or military bases—it was built from scratch, and safely tucked away in a valley between two rows of snow-capped mountains.

  We first tried to check the perimeter of the camp, snapped some pictures for the Ranch, then we found ourselves an empty warehouse not too far away from the camp, and settles things down to make up a plan.

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