Chapter 10

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*Author note: Sorry I took so long to update this!

Bakugo woke up feeling like a heavy weight was crushing his chest and a surge of panic startled him awake, his eyes snapping open in his dimly lit bedroom. He turned and realized the weight was Kirishima's arm thrown over him. His lips were parted slightly and Bakugo could feel his breath lightly feather over his shoulder. The dumbass looked pleased with himself even in a deep sleep.

Processing what happened the night before, Bakugo rubbed his eyes and wished he could go back in time and do things differently. Not because what happened wasn't mind-blowing, but because he worried about any potential repercussions. How the hell was he supposed to look Kirishima in the eyes when he had cum in his mouth last night?

He slipped out of bed, feeling itchy from dried semen in places he'd never had it before. Truthfully, he'd never been a hardcore masturbator. He would do it every once in a while, when the mood struck, but not as frequently as he knew some men did. And he definitely cleaned up afterwards.

Feeling mildly disgusted, he jumped into the shower and washed up quickly. As the steam dissipated from the bathroom, he looked at his neck in the mirror. The scabs from his bite marks seems significantly smaller today. After a moment he slapped a couple band-aids over them, but guessed that they'd probably be small enough to not bother with the band-aids pretty soon. Then he quietly crept out of the bathroom, with a towel slung securely around his waist. Kirishima started to stir in bed a little and Bakugo frantically pulled clothes out of his dresser. He dropped the towel and immediately pulled on his boxer briefs.

"I could get used to waking up to this," Kirishima teased sleepily from the bed.

Bakugo straightened, his spine going rigid with surprise. "Don't count on it," he snapped.

Kirishima stood up and stretched languidly, his heavy muscles flexing. Bakugo glanced at him before pulling on a pair of dark-wash jeans.

An arm circled his waist and Kirishima nuzzled his neck, the suddenly contact making his heart leap. "Aw, come on. You can't say that last night wasn't amazing." Bakugo could feel him smiling against his skin. "Tonight is going to be even better, I promise you that." His voice was deep and raspy.

"Don't get ahead of yourself!" Bakugo retorted, wiggling away from Kirishima, his cheeks pink. "Go take a shower, or else I'm leaving without you!"

Kirishima released him abruptly and hurried to the bathroom. "I'll be super quick!" he called. A second later he heard the shower turn on.

Bakugo considered making breakfast but they were already short on time so instead he ripped open a box of protein bars and started eating one while putting his shoes on.

A couple minutes later Kirishima emerged from the bathroom, his hair still dripping. "It feels weird to put dirty clothes on after taking a shower," he complained. "Thank goodness I have some clothes in my locker. Though, I might stop by my place and grab some clothes before coming here tonight. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have some extra clothes here."

Bakugo rolled his eyes and threw a couple protein bars at Kirishima, who barely caught them. "Whatever. Hurry up, we're running late. I hate being late."

Bakugo drove them to Home Office and took the elevator up to the fourth floor to get their patrol assignment while Kirishima got changed. They had quadrant ten: the bay. It was mostly waterfront warehouses and huge docks for freighter ships loading and unloading massive amounts of cargo. He didn't really know how work ever got done, it seemed to come and go in spurts. Extremely busy for a while and then as silent as a graveyard. It was a magnet for all sorts of villains. He blamed Hollywood for that. Drug dealers and mafia-wannabes lingered in the area.

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