Chapter 13.

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*paramedics and the coroner arrive on scene, two blocks from where the officer was shot*

Greg- "Ryan!"

Russell- "Greg I can't let you cross the tape."

Greg- "What?"

Russell- "Morgan."

*Morgan runs over to her*

Morgan- "I got a pulse but she's not breathing."

*she looks to Russell then Greg.*

Morgan- "Csi down! I need a medic!"

*the paramedics get her in the ambulance*

Greg- "I'm going with her."

Russell- "Go."

Morgan- "So am I."

*They both get in the ambulance*

Russell to Sara, Finn, Nick, Hodges, and Henry- "This is the only crime in Vegas tonight, understand."

*they all nod*

Russell- "There's an officer down two blocks from here. Finn, take Henry and Hodges. Nick and Sara, the three of us will process this scene, Doc and David are on their way."

*Finn, Hodges and Henry go to the other scene*

Nick- "Usually SUV's can't drive over other cars, she would have had to be going at least 200 mph."

Sara- "She lucky she didn't die."

Russell- "Well she hasn't died yet, lets just hope she pulls through."

Nick- "Yeah. That would be the second death of a new girl her first night on the job."

Sara- "Ooh yeah Holly Gribbs."

Nick- "I'll take what's left of Ryan's car, Sara you take the other car, Russell you cool with the rest of the scene?"

Russell- "Yeah. Yeah let's get to work."

Nick- "When she radioed in for help did he mention she was shot?"

Russell- "No, is says here, she radioed in for help, officer down then shots fired, at her car, she didn't mention that she was shot."

Nick- "Well what's left of her car there's a lot of blood here."

Sara- "She completely crushed the other vehicle. These other people would have zero chance of survival."

Nick- "The back seat has nail marks. I'm thinking what happened to her two blocks away happened to Greg 7 years ago. Broken glass, dragged out of the car beaten, maybe."

Sara- "I'll call Finn and see."

*on the phone*

Sara- "Finn, does it look like there was a struggle involving Ryan, and the two assailants?"

Finn- "There is blood and signs of a struggle a few feet away from the officer."

Sara- "Thanks."

Sara to Nick- "I think your right Nick, she was beaten two blocks from here, she got away, and killed these people in self defence."

Russell- "Shes killed three people in the last two days, in self defence."

Nick- "We're gonna have to prove to a jury that it was self defence."

Sara- "We've had to do it before, we can do it again."
*at Finn's crime scene*

David- "Officer Brooks suffered a gun shot to the heart, death was almost instantaneous."

Finn- "So he was probably already dead when Ryan radioed in for help."

Hodges- "At least she was doing the right thing."

Finn- "She a good kid she doesn't deserve any of this."

Hodges- "Remember when this happened to Greg."

Henry- "Yeah, it's crazy how almost the same thing happened to his daughter 8 years later."

Hodges- "Well Greg didn't get shot twice in two days, and he didn't kill 3 people in self defence, he only killed one."

Henry- "And his car didn't blow up when he was 10 feet away."

Finn- "It's a little surprising that Ryan is still alive."

Hodges- "I guess she's really lucky."

Finn- "I don't know if I would call it luck, she's almost died 4 times."

Hodges- "Regardless everything she's done has been in self defence."

*they all nod*

Finn- "There's blood and broken glass over here, probably where she was attacked and where her windshield was shot."

Henry- "There are two shotgun shells over here. One near Officer Brooks, and one 3 feet away, probably the one that went thought the windshield."

Hodges- "There's some blood over here, away from Ryan's. I bet she fought back."

Finn- "Swab it and we'll see when we get back to the lab."

*they process the rest of the scene*

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