What Would You Have Done?

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The story no one asked for nor, probably, wanted but it's here anyway. This story was inspired by a story written by @Empty_Mask and with their permission I posted this, so here you go.


They were looking for a monster, a monster they'd never seen before that had just fought a creature that tried to kill them all. They tracked it to a cave, they expected to find a giant creature, what they found instead shocked them. They had no idea what to do with what they found and decided to contact the Justice League.

Within hours it was being taken to the watchtower, as this happened the team was in the watchtower. They were sometimes allowed to visit since they'd known about it for a while and this was one of those days. They were currently sitting in one of the lounging areas when they heard loud sounds outside.

They walked into the hallway and ran toward the sounds, something was happening in the garden. Right when they were going to try and make their way down several Leagues were thrown in different directions. Superman was thrown into a wall very close to them and a figure left the garden and easily jumped up to where Superman was.

They were shocked to see that it was a teenager, he looked to be about sixteen and something about him was terrifying to them. His clothes looked like they were made of scales, his jacket and boots were dark grey and his pants and fingerless gloves were black. His clothes were so tight that they could see his muscles moving under them like they were part of his skin.

He walked toward Superman and Artemis shot an arrow near him as a warning shot, "Don't move."

He turned to them and growled, his eyes were yellow and red and he had fangs, Artemis pointed another arrow at him. He didn't seem too happy about that, he attacked and the team fought him, however Robin didn't even move. Something felt weird about this, he hadn't seemed too hostile until artemis fired an arrow at him.

Robin kept watching the teen and tried to figure out why this was bugging him, after a minute or two he figured it out. He was defending himself, he hadn't attacked the team until they attacked first, he hadn't attacked him because he wasn't trying to hurt him. He was dodging attacks and retaliating, he wasn't trying to start a fight, and the team was making him feel threatened.

Robin's eyes widened at this revelation, "Guys, stop attacking him!"

Superboy seemed to be the only one that heard him, "Are you crazy, he attacked the League and us!"

Robin felt like pulling his hair out already and Superboy immediately went back into the fight. He had to stop them before they made this situation even worse, he ran in and stood between the guy and the team. His teammates seemed to freeze when they saw him and the boy stopped too, he was still growling and looked like he was ready to keep fighting but didn't make a move too.

His teammates were too shocked to say anything and Robin glanced back at the teen, he seemed less angry now. He looked slightly confused, like he didn't know why Robin had stopped the others from attacking him. Robin was going to talk to him but before he could the Leaguers showed up and they didn't look happy.

Batman saw Robin standing only a few feet away from the teen, "Robin, get away from him."

Captain Atom's hand started to glow as he got ready to blast the teen and he growled, that wasn't good. Alarms were going off in his head, he was surrounded by people that looked like they were ready to hurt him. They'd all attacked him aside from the one that had stopped the children, the boy was a child himself.

Strangely enough, it didn't seem like he wanted to hurt him, he didn't even seem scared of him which he certainly wasn't used to. When the silver's ones hand started glowing his instincts kicked in, he grabbed the child that had protected him and ran. He was fast both on land and in the water in this form so none of them were fast enough to stop him, hopefully.

He ran in a random direction before letting go of the boy, "You didn't attack me, why?"

Robin was shocked, first the boy grabbed him and took him away from the others and then asked him why he didn't attack him, what was going on? Robin looked confused, "What do you mean why, you were just defending yourself weren't you?"

"I woke up in a strange place surrounded by strange people, what would you have done?"

Robin was even more confused now, "Wait, you woke up here, where were you before?"

"My home, my territory, I was captured and forced to sleep, when I woke up I was here, I want out, I want my home."

Robin's eyes widened, now it made more sense, he didn't know where he was and he was scared, but why was he here then? Robin was about to ask him that very question when the other heroes ran in and Robin looked around. They ended up near the zeta tubes which meant they probably used the cameras to find them so quickly.

The boy growled again and Robin would swear he was protecting him, then he realized the others might think he's trying to hurt him. All of the heroes got ready to attack when Robin got in the way, "Stop, just stop attacking him."

Batman looked at him, "Robin, he's dangerous."

"He doesn't even know what's going on, he just wants to go home." That made all of them pause for a second, "Why was he brought here at all?"

The Leaguers glanced at each other and Aquaman decided to answer, "Atlantis was attacked my a large creature."

"The Kraken."

Everyone looked at the boy and Aquaman looked confused, "The what?"

"The Kraken, that's what he's- he was called."

Aquaman took a second to process that before continuing, "Atlantis was attacked by this Kraken. I wasn't there at the time but no one could reason with it, it was going to destroy Atlantis. But apparently another creature showed up and drug it away, people saw a blue glow and what looked like fire"

"When it stopped Mera and her guards went to see what had happened, the Kraken was dead and a large reptile like creature was there. It was hurt and swam away, Mera followed it and ended up at a cave, she went inside and found him." He gestured to the boy, "He was injured so she brought him to Atlantis but he was hostile toward anyone that got near him."

"I told her that the League would take him, he was sedated and brought to the watchtower."

The boy growled, the sound was chilling, "Don't call the Kraken it, he deserved better then that." They stared at him in shock and he continued, "I killed him to save your home and you took me from mine, you had no right, the sea was my home long before it was yours."

Now everyone looked confused and Superman spoke, "What do you mean, and who are you?"

"I go by many names, Titan, king of the monsters, the god of destruction, but I'm known best by one name in particular, Godzilla."

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