What Did You Do?

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After the team and the Leaguers got back to the mountain the older heroes went to the watchtower. There was a meeting for the Leaguers that same day and the heroes were already gathering in the meeting room. The meeting soon started and they went through the usual business, after they got past all of that Superman spoke, "Is there anything else we should talk about?"

Black Canary spoke, "Actually yes, we need to figure out what to do about Godzilla."

Captain Atom spoke, "What about him?"

Batman spoke, "We knew that Godzilla was dangerous and if he's telling the truth he could be a problem for the League. But we recently learned that there are likely more 'titans' then him, he has powers and has killed more titans then just the Kraken."

The Leaguers glanced at each other and Wonder Woman spoke, "But he's just a child."

Red Tornado spoke, "Except he admitted to killing two titans whose bones were recently discovered, those bones are over two hundred fifty million years old."

Now that made all of them pause, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) spoke, "You've got to be kidding."

Batman spoke, "No, which is why we need to make sure we have a plan in case he gets out of hand."

The heroes discussed what to do and after over an hour they came to a discussion and a few Leaguers were tasked with getting something that could stop him. A day passed and said Leaguers came back, they'd found something they were sure they could use against Godzilla. All of the heroes got ready and headed out to the site that they found it in, they wanted to see it.

When they finally got there Batman looked at Superman, "How did you find this?"

"I actually didn't, some scientists did."

Batman raised an eyebrow, "More scientists?"

Superman nodded, "They aren't here right now, they're at another location."

Batman looked at it again, "We should get started."

The Leaguers got to work, they were in a very large icy cavern and they drilled holes into the ice and put small explosives in it. Once they put the explosives in they left the cavern, they weren't planning on detonating them unless they had to. Meanwhile, Godzilla was at the mountain with the team, despite them knowing he'd killed two other titans they didn't treat him badly.

They'd actually been treating him a little better which surprised him but he wasn't going to complain. He thought he might actually be able to get along with them, he'd just started to relax when he froze, something was wrong. Godzilla sat up and Miss Martian looked confused, "What is it?"

"Something's wrong."

Kid Flash spoke, "What does that mean?"

"Something is happening in Antarctica." Something then clicked in his head and his eyes widened, "Shit!"

Godzilla quickly ran out of the room and the heroes followed but he was quick, he forced the doors that led outside open and left. The heroes got there just in time to see him dive into the water and swim away quickly leaving them all stunned. The look of sheer panic on his face stuck in their minds, but they were more worried about what Batman was going to do.

If he found out Godzilla was gone he was going to be furious, the titan didn't even explain why he left. Aqualad looked at the rest of the team, "We need to go to Antarctica and see what is going on."

They all agreed, they quickly put their cold stealth suits on and left in the bio-ship to see if Godzilla really was heading there. It took a few hours and when they finally got there they found the League there along with their ships and other ships they hadn't seen before. They assumed the League was working with someone there and they landed close to the League.

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