Chapter 1

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"Doctor, we're going to crash!" Amy yelled as she held on tightly to a handrail on the staircase. The TARDIS was flying fast through space and time, even though less than a minute before, everything was perfectly fine.

But, the Doctor, being the Doctor, was perfectly okay with it to say the least. As long as he could slow the TARDIS down, he knew he'd end up right where he needed to be. After all, she even told him so, on that day he actually got the chance to speak to her.

"It'll be fine! Just hold on tight while I slow her down," the Doctor instructed, quickly moving around the console. He flicked various switches and pressed a few buttons. "Come on, old girl," he mumbled to the console, and sure enough, the TARDIS slowed down like he wanted. It didn't stop the TARDIS from landing, however. The Doctor, Amy, and Rory were jostled around a bit when they landed, but all three quickly returned to normal.

"Doctor, where are we?" Rory asked, voicing the question on all three of their minds.

"I...have no idea," he replied quickly and checked a screen. "Ah, New York City. 2012. Great year. Around your time, so everything should seem familiar to you."

"Why are we here then? We were on our way somewhere, and then the TARDIS practically changed her mind and left," Amy pointed out.

The Doctor shrugged. "I don't know. I hate not knowing things. But she always takes us where we need to go, even if its not where we want to go." A smile formed on his lips as he turned to his two companions. "So, what do you say? Want to go explore New York?" When the two nodded excitedly, he clapped his hands. "Then come along Ponds!"


"Agent McKee and Agent West, will you please report to the Director's office," The intercom sounded over the blaring alarms. The two friends snuck a glance at each other, wide eyed.

"Let's go," Agent McKee blurted, and West nodded. As they walked down to the office, McKee's curled, shouder length, golden blonde hair flowed behind her. Her hazel eyes were alert in concentration and anticipation. Her face was more square, and her cheekbones aren't that sharp. But Agent West had raven black hair that was stick straight down to her elbow, a slim face with dark emerald eyes, and sharp cheekbones.

"Yes Director Fury," West stated as they got into his office. Her voice rang out, but the tone was like velvet, crisp, clear, but kind. That was just how her voice was.

"A blue box has fallen out of the sky and onto our helicarrier. We want you two to see what it is," he replied.

"You're joking," McKee said in annoyance.

"No I'm not, Agent Gwenn McKee, not at all." Director Fury usually referred to her, and most of the other agents, as Agent McKee or just McKee, for example. Hearing her name meant this was probably more serious, even though she wasn't sure how a blue box could be this serious. "I want you and Agent Anna West to go there ASAP and investigate." Without fighting it, they nodded and headed off.


As the agents made their way to the blue box Director Fury had asked them to look at, they chatted softly. Not only did they work together, they were also very good friends.

Their conversation abruptly ended when the two of them laid eyes on the blue box. Agent West stared at the box for a minute, surprised, but quickly returned to normal. She still was surprised, though. This box, it was like a British telephone box, except blue and a bit wider. It was the police box you used in the 1960s to get help. How did that end up here in the first place?

Agent McKee, however, didn't recover as fast. Not only was she confused on the manner of its arrival, she was confused because it seemed familiar. It was something she felt like she had seen before. Had she dreamt about it as a young girl, somewhere in the childhood memories that eluded her? Or was this a real part of her life that she had somehow forgotten?

Agent McKee was still fairly young, in her early twenties, but parts of her childhood were missing from her memory, like certain parts had been erased, such as names of people, including her own mother and father. Her nickname, Bad Wolf, was the only thing that came up in some of the blank spaces, mainly when she was older, about nineteen or twenty or so.

"Gwenn," Anna said, snapping Agent McKee out of her daze. "Keep moving. We have to carry out the rest of our mission."

Gwenn nodded in understanding. "Right, sorry," She replied softly and walked closer to the box. The two of them started to examine the blue box carefully, just as the door opened up.

"Doctor, where are we?" a Scottish voice asked, obviously female.

"New York City. But on a helicarrier. That's a first," a male voice answered, sounding like the more experienced member of the group. The two agents peered around the corner to see what was happening, and cast eyes on three adults.

There were two men and a woman. The woman was a redhead, wearing a pair of jeans, a plain shirt and a scarf wrapped around her neck once. One man stood beside her, a bit closer to her, as if they were closer than other people, as if dating or engaged, or even married. He wore a vest, a long sleeved shirt, and jeans.

The third person, the other man, was the one who caught the attention of Gwenn. She tilted her head to look at him. He dressed a bit out of time, which seemed familiar. He wore a tan colored jacket, dark pants, and a bowtie, and seemed fairly young. All three seemed fairly young, however, but his eyes were much older than he looked on the outside.

The bowtie man turned to look around, and then locked eyes with Gwenn. Both of them froze, like they were recognizing each other. But who could they be to each other?

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