* twelve.

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* shipping call. / they can develop their relationship overtime , don't worry .

* friends  :    ( 1 /  ???? ) bordeauxlips   you two barely just met so you have no reason to hate each other or like each other just yet ! but that doesn't stop sam from opening her mouth and telling you things

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* friends : ( 1 / ???? ) bordeauxlips you two barely just met so you have no reason to hate each other or like each other just yet ! but that doesn't stop sam from opening her mouth and telling you things . really , she doesn't care if you like her or not — she says what she says and she meant what she said .

*  best friends   :    (  2/2 )   :  hacktingzz  , smartestass  you get along with sam and sam gets along with you

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best friends   :    (  2/2 )   :  hacktingzz , smartestass you get along with sam and sam gets along with you . you two have a very platonic relationship, but others think it's something else. you two know each other well enough to know when something is wrong or when in need of comfort. she trusts you with her life and you might trust her with yours.

*   lovers / endgame  ( 1/1 )  :  daddysteroids   at the end of the day, she loves you and always comes back to you

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* lovers / endgame ( 1/1 ) : daddysteroids at the end of the day, she loves you and always comes back to you. all along, she knew it would be you.. it was always you. no matter what happens, she sticks at your side and doesn't give up on you. her love runs deep for you + WOULD kill for you.

*  ex  —  lovers  ( 1/1  )  :  hesreckless    she USED TO love you, she USED TO feel something for you and now when she sees you — she CANNOT get along with you for shit

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* ex — lovers ( 1/1 ) : hesreckless she USED TO love you, she USED TO feel something for you and now when she sees you — she CANNOT get along with you for shit. even if you both did bad shit, she always hides her hurt behind her sarcastic comments and rudeness towards you. she CANNOT stand being in the same room as you and when she sees you doing better than her, she just has to compete and make you know that she is WAY BETTER off without you.

*  family like  ( 1/1 )  notsodumb   even if you aren't related, she considers you as a family member

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* family like ( 1/1 ) notsodumb even if you aren't related, she considers you as a family member. fuck, she loves you even if she can be rude to you sometimes — but that's what siblings do , right ? she will defend you until the end of time and won't hesitate to trade her life for yours and sacrifice things for you . " hey, only i can call them that! "

*   enemies  ( 2  / ???? )      finfuneral   MURDERONMIND     vilecrimes   HATES your guts and she CAN'T fucking stand yo

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* enemies ( 2 / ???? )      finfuneral   MURDERONMIND     vilecrimes HATES your guts and she CAN'T fucking stand yo. if it wasn't illegal, she WOULD kill you in a heartbeat. when she's around you, she can't help to insult you and hold herself back from trying to hurt you in any way.

*  neutral   (  1 /  ???? )   shesleader  you don't know where you stand with each other

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* neutral ( 1 / ???? ) shesleader you don't know where you stand with each other . you don't mind working with sam — i mean , it is your task .. when she comes to mind all you can do is shrug . you personally don't have a problem with her — so why hate her ?

*  frenemies  :     (  0 /  ???? )     you two aren't completely enemies , but you aren't completely friends either

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* frenemies : ( 0 / ???? ) you two aren't completely enemies , but you aren't completely friends either . you two help each other for your own benefit , but you're not afraid to backstab her and she's not afraid to backstab you either . easily annoyed by you , she can snap at you at random times .

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