"What the bloody hell are you doing in my house!!!" James P.

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Ch.1 Holding Out For A Hero
July 7, 2000 (Heather Age- 3)
(Heather's POV)

Daddy said that until my little brother is older we have to go into hiding. And because of that we had to leave uncle Sirius and Remus. I miss them. So in the mean time we are leaving with GrandPa Tom. (I love bring here with Grandpa Tom he loves teaching me spells but don't tell mommy and daddy that.) I don't trust wormtail. I don't know why I trust mom and dad's other friends. And I love brewing with Uncle Severus. Mom is going to have another baby I'm excited to have a little brother. Mommy said I could help name him i said we should name him Harry because that was Great-Great-Great-Great GrandPa Potter's name. Mommy said that it was a good idea. and the next week my little brother Harry was born. And now I'm trying (and failing) to play wizards chess with GrandPa Tom. Then out of no were a old man brakes into are home. I Screamed for Daddy and Uncle Severus. Then the Old Man hit me I flew back and hit the table. The man told me to shut up and I started crying. My Daddy and Uncle Severus most have heard me because they ran down the stairs. The last thang I saw was GrandPa Tom picking me up and Uncle Sev telling me we were going to be ok. Then the world went black.

(James's POV)
I saw that Dad and Severus had Heather so I looked at Dombldor and said " WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!!!" I yelled at him "I have come for the children. Give them to me an I will let you all live." He tells me "Never. I will never let you lay one finger on my children." I growled throw my teeth. "Fine i didn't want to do this but you have given me no other option. Avada- Kadabria." He said to me then shot the killing course at me. I doge it then yell at Dad and Severus "Take Heather up stairs and protect her, Harry, And Lilly. Tell her I love her." I said to them and kissed Heathers head. Then I started a duel with Dombldor. After a few minutes I trip on something and he lands a killing course on me. My last thought was "Lilly I love you and the Kids." Then I greeted Death As an old Friend.

(Lilly's POV)
I held Harry and Heather to my chest. Then I felt it. James. My love, My Mate, and My Husband was dead. I cried for my Husband. For his Family. And For my Children. Then I stud up I was not going to let Dombldor get away with this. I look at Tom and Severus and say this "James is dead. And I will be soon too. But I love them both so much. Tom will you Please rase Harry tell him about us but let him think your his dad until he is 13. Severus Will you please Rase Heather she already loves you and the Same thing. GoodBye. Thank you Severus for being a great Friend and Brother in everything but blood. Thank you Tom for being like a Father to me. I like the Wesley's and Heather likes there sons Bill, Charlie, Fred, and Georgie. So please Severus let her be continue to be friends with them. Goodbye I Love you." I told Tom and Severus then My kids and kiss there heads. Then I went down stairs and tell Tom and Severus to run. I see Dombldor over James Dead body and I ran up to him and as he cast the killing course on me. I cast a spell on him I said "Vous allez vivre pendant treize ans puis mourir aux mains de mes enfants." I yelled at him (You will live for thirteen years then die at the hands of my children. In French.) I then died. My last thoughts were "I Hope Tom and Severus do what I asked of them. And James I will see you soon." Then suddenly I was in front of James I Ran to his arms and Told him I loved him.

(Severus's POV)
I Hate that James and Lilly died but I will do as Lilly asked. I wonder if Heather will be a griffendor? Or Slytherin? With she be with Dombldor? Or With Tom? .... Will she love or even like me? These are the thing rattling around in my mind as I altered her memories. She will thing Lilly and James are her Aunt and Uncle and her mother died during childbirth. Like Lilly asked when she turns 13 I will have her memories unaltered by myself or Tom. I wonder if Tom will let Harry and Heather grow up as friends? Tomorrow I will talk to Author and Molly and ask if Heather can be friend with there kids still. And I will ask if we can start over. Tomorrow for now the Blood-Adoption is done and I'm her dad. And no matter what I will do what ever it takes to protect her. And even after all that if she asks if I still love her I will tell her. Simply. Yes. And I always will.

(Tom's POV)
I had just gotten to my house I had stayed at The Leeky-coldren with Harry but I just opened the door to my- no Our house. And it hits me. My Son and Daughter-In-Law are dead. I'm raising there ONLY son as my own at there request. And 1 of there BestFriend are raising there ONLY daughter as his own. And I know 2 things. 1- I will Make Dombldor pay. (But I will let Harry and Heather kill him.) and 2- I will do anything to protect my GrandSon/Son and my GrandDaughter. I had adopted Severus when He, Lilly, And James where in there fourth year after founding out that his Father was dead and his Mother was abusing him. I instendly told him that he was always welcome at our house. And the rest is history. Yesterday I also Blood-Adopted Harry.
End of Ch.1

(Pss. I'm my head-canon Blood-Adoption makes the kid look a little like the blood adopters. And makes it as if the kid was there's by blood (Du!!!) I don't know that the real definition but its not real so this is how I'm using it. And comments make me want to wright more. So if you want an update on a story write a good commit about it. That's all thank you (: )
(Psss)( This story will contain 1 or more Gay/or Lesbian/or Yaoi/or Yuri pairing/Couple if you are not a fan of this then sorry this isn't the story for you. Also all flames/Hater comments will be deleted.)

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