"Happy Birthday Heather."

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Ch.2 Holding Out For A Hero
(Heather age 11) and (Harry age 8)

(Heather's POV)
I'm so Happy Yesterday was my 11th Birthday. Yay! This year I get to go to Hogwarts. Yesterday dad (Severus) took me to Digionaly (?) to get me my robes, brume, Wand, Snake (Yay!), and Owl. I love my snake and Wand! Today is my Party. I can't wait! But September is So Far Away!!! I'm Scared the only people I will know is Fred, Georgie, Charlie, and Bill (for now)."Heather." I hear my dad call me. I looked at the alarm clock next to my bed and it said it was 5:30 in the morning. "What! It's too early to be awake." I called back "Heather." He called again as he entered my room "Sweety I know you want to sleep but you need to get up and get ready. You need to take a shower, get dressed then come down stairs so we can eat. And then go to the borrow. That is still were you want to have your party right?" asked me "Fine but I don't want to get up. And yes I do. I'll go take a shower." I replied to him "Good. Thank you sweety. Oh! And Happy Birthday!" Dad said to me with a smile. "Thanks Dad!" I smiled gave him a hug and ran to the shower after getting clothes.

After doing all my stuff and getting ready I went down stairs to see dad already waiting for me at the fireplace. "Come on. Or we'll be late. You know how I Hate being late." He told me "K Dad I'm ready to go." I said with a smile I can't wait to see everyone. :) next thing I know we are at the borrow. Yay!
"Mommy?" I called out 'I think of Molly as my mom. So I call her mom. dad, Molly, and Author are ok with it' "Hello Sweety. Happy Birthday!" Mom tells me as I walk into the kitchen to see Jenny at the table already eating Breakfast. 'I Don't Trust Her.' "Sweet Heart would you please go wake up the others. Please and Thank you." She asked me with a smile. "K. No problem." I them went to wake everyone up.

First Charlie "Charlie. Will you please get up?" I asked after interring his room "Sure thing little sis." He said smiling at me. Then I walked to Bill's room. "Billy will you Please get up!" After running across the hallway to Fred & Georgie's room I ran to there bed. I still don't know why they bother to have two bed in there room. They always sleep together. I ran on to there bed and stared jumping up and down. When that didn't work I kissed both there checks. They looked at me with there cheesier cat smile. "Fred dear brother I do believe are little Heather has grown up and given her first kiss to us." Georgie said to Fred "Georgie I do believe your right." Fred replied to him. Faking a shocked face. "Oh shut up you two." I said as I stuck my tong out at them "come on down so we can eat breakfast." I told them as I ran to Ron's room.
(I don't like him but Mommy said to wake everyone up.) I nocked on him door them after hearing a sleepy 'come in' I walked into his room and said "Mom said to wake up and come have breakfast." I said about to walk out when he grabbed my wrist. I was only 4'9" he was at least 5' I was scared. "What did you just say? What makes you think you have the right to call her your mother? Why don't you just go kill yourself. And save us the trouble of having to deal with you. No one loves you. Not Fred, not George, not Bill, not Charlie, and My mom, not dad, not Sirius, not Remus, not even the slimy git Severus." After saying that Ron let go of my wrist.

I held back my tears. Ron and Ginny have always called me names like that and are mean to me. I quickly walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I reached into the pocket of my robes to make sure that the blade I had put in there earlier was still there. After making sure it was there I looked up at everyone that was in the room. Harry and Draco were playing in the corner they were both 8. Fred and George were sitting on either side of me. Then Bill and Charlie were talking to Lucius in one corner. Grandpa Tom was taking to mollie and mr.weasel. I suddenly asked "Can we go flying outside?" Everyone looked at me then said all at ones "yes. That sounds like fun."
Then as everyone walked out Mommy said "You all have fun I going to make a birthday cake for our precious little girl." She smiled at me as we walked out the door "Leave it to the brat to be so selfish. Making everyone do what she wants." I heard Ron say as I'm walking out the door where only I could hear him. After a moment when I didn't move Uncle Lucius can up to me "Sweet heart are you ok?" He asked then whispered where only I could hear "I heard that he said. We will talk about this later." Then he stud up and grabbed my hand. "Now lets go play some qudich." Then we walked out side with all the others. As we were play the adults let all the kids but Jenny, Draco, and Harry play a game with just us kids. As I was going for the snitch I was hit in the head with the quffel and started falling to the ground. Thankfully Charlie grabbed me before I hit the ground. Then I passed out.

Charlie's POV
As I sow Ron ON PERPOS hit Heather I did a nose dive to get her. And after yelling at him I ran in side with her. After telling mom every thing we laid her down on the sofa. They she stated screaming no one could get her to stop. Severus had to leave the room. (Be pulled out my Remus and Sirius. Who were crying.)
Harry held Draco as they cried I wanted to go help Draco but I will have to do that after I help Heather. And I know what to do. "Heather I know you can hear me. Everything you are seeing it's not real. We all love you. And we all want you back. Just wake up. Just come back to us. Please Heather. Please Little Sister. Come back." And then she stopped screaming and crying. After hugging her.

I ran to Draco and held him in my arm. "Shhh. Hush my little Dragon you are all right. Heater is just sleeping. She needs it. Hush it's ok. I'm here for you." And slowly rocked him back and forth. The Bitc- sorry his ... mother I guess came to try to take him from my arm.
I just growled and scratched at her if she tried to take him from me. "You don't care about him or Lucius you just want power and money. Stay away from him you bitch. Stay away." Then she looked at me with murder in her eyes. "Yes your right. But what's done is done I'm stuck with them both. Now hand him here. I will teach him to be a good child." She screamed at me. "No mommy please I'm sorry I don't mean to do it. I'm sorry please don't hit me. Papa! Papa! Papa!" Draco said as he held me close scared I would give him to her. And yelled for his papa.

That women went to hit me when Bill ran in front of us and yelled at her. "Look bitch I don't care what happens to you but don't you every lay one hand on Charlie, Lucius, or Draco got it." He said looking like he was going to wolf out on her. I don't care about her but I don't want Draco to see that. "Just go before we make you leave." I yelled at her. "Fine keep they kid. Keep Lucius. He's weak, and a little submissive Bitch. I will come back and kill you all." She said then transported away.
Lucius was just standing there crying. I gave Draco to Bill.Then walked over to Lucius and hugged him as he cried on my shoulder.
"I didn't know. How didn't I know. My baby. That monster! My poor little dragon." He just screamed and cried. For what had happened for what he hadn't know was going on in his own home. Bill came over to the two of us and said "I think it would be best if we headed to you house Lucius. Draco needs to feel save and you need me and Charlie." I said sounding all to motherly. Then we all, Draco (still in bills arms), Bill, Me, and Lucius. Went to leave when.

Harry's POV
I was so sad. But at the same time I wanted to kill or at least seriously hurt Ms.Bitch sorry Black. I felt bad for hating her because papa says not to hate but I can't help it I want to rip her apart. I want to hold Draco but I know he is safe with Bill, Charlie, and his dad. I'll give him a big hug when I see him again. I feel like crying. I feel SO bad for him. I knew something was going on but I didn't know it was this bad. I hope he will be ok. I feel like I need to protect him. Why do I feel like this? I'll ask Dad later.

(Heather's POV)
My head hurts. I can't stop thinking about my dream. Into we are going to school. I'm 16 and Harry is 13 we are at school I'm sitting there with some guy. 'He's Cute.' I couldn't see his face but I already loved him. And Harry's standing beside him. He's arm is wrapped around Draco. They both look so happy. Then the dream changes and the headmaster is trying to kill me and Harry.
"Heather!" I heard someone say. I turn around and see.
"Fred. What's up?" I said looking at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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