Lightworkers and Sex

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Beginner lightworkers must be very careful when dealing with Sex and lust on Earth. For the most part,  if you are still beginning the journey of understanding your mission better stay clear f Sexual contact. If you can manage it like the Apostle Paul.

There is a reason why a lot of biblical characters and apostles are set to do the work alone and without a sexual partner- its because many times over it could become a hindrance unless you understand what it is all about. Moses and Abraham as well as Noah was encouraged of course to fill the earth, but the Apostles of the New Testament were already commanded to focus on the work instead of procreation. I have observed that in abstaining sex and lust- my mind suddenly became clear and I am able to pray better and focus on the tasks at hand. The lower frequencies are embedded in the bodies of humans, and associating with bodies that are not in tune with the light would give you a harsh and much harder time. If you have just woken up and realized that you are a lightworker. By all means abstain first from sexual contact- as it will not do you any good in understanding the work that is at hand. Real powers of sex , unfortunately is not here on this dimension currently as this has been misused, and is already banal. There are so many transgressions created in the name of earthly sex, It  is too corrupted to be of any use, so abstain if you want to be able to stay clear of lower frequency energies that would hamper your learning. 

The thing that occurred to me is that the more that I connected to God and the more that I prayed to Jesus Christ, the lust and longing started to remove itself. I don't feel lust anymore- it is not hard to understand that this  happened because I began to realize that my body is a temple of Christ, it is a sacred space. This is why, I won't connect with just about anyone- and if the other person is not emitting a high frequency within the levels needed to complete my lightworker mission it would not be entertained. It just isn't worth it at times, my sense of smell, ability to discern energies also began to differ and I say this without hatred or pain for men. Its just on the journey, many lightworkers tend to experience this. The graciousness and beauty of life, starts to engulf us- the glory of God and the light is far more attractive, more than any thing that the needs of the human body become secondary - and in many cases if prolonged- could vanish into thin air completely. After my awakening, I began to lose the sexual desire, there are bits and pieces and remnants of it at times, but its no longer strong. In the Biblical scriptures, Jesus Christ talked about the fact that there will be no marriage in heaven, no husband or wife, no need to get jealous. We would all be brothers and sisters- losing the lust or desire at an early stage doesn't seem weird at all. In fact, it is making a lot of things so much easier for me , because I am not controlled by my earthly desire for another human body. 

I crave for another intimacy, a higher one and tend to cringe when someone tries to hamper or impede or sends to me other kinds of urges. The kind of intimacy that resonates with me is like the love of a bee to a flower. A higher expression of connection and intimacy- so most conversations tend to bore me. I just go through the motions and strive to understand data sent out to me by fellow human beings at work. But most of the time, when close my eyes I am already seeing another dimension. There was this one time, in a vision I was walking inside a tunnel, I can see the hue of brown and I heard the voice of God calling me, at the end of the tunnel telling me, to soon come and join. Oh how I long, to be able to enter that tunnel too, to be where you are Oh God.  But I still wake up, I am still here, I still have things and tasks and lessons to pursue.  I am unable to focus or celebrate or intensify my thoughts on human sexual acts nowadays- because something much more powerful entered my Soul- the connection that another human being could provide can never match what I have experienced- endless refreshing waters- at first, I thought I should be scared, or that it wasn't normal at all but day by day I felt that this is the way things should be and that my body is lifted and assisted because one of the biggest temptations on earth has been lifted off me. I am unable to thirst and look for earthly sexual pleasure because my body is no longer identifying with it. I am gearing  more on the soul, the Spiritual path- and on this path one of the biggest things you will lose is earthly urge for sex- which is a great and immense relief after so many months of denying it. I have come to terms, that celibacy is indeed awesome progress. 

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