Chapter 12

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The rest of the week was pure heaven.

I received a call from the chief approving my ideas, and alerting me that we could start plans as soon as I sent over the whole proposal to him. Heart beating a triple a minute, I told the team-who had been getting restless- that we will soon be beginning. Luckily, Treymayne had flown back to London temporarily so I did not receive any challenge.

We were then set to start in the next week, which left me mostly free for the rest of the week apart from making minor edits to the project proposal and going over basics with the structural engineers. I also visited my parents during the time. Ana had gone back to school after her school had ruled her absence excusable because it had ben an emergency. She was not exactly happy to be going back but she honored our deal. She had also talked to dad about her grades, and while he had scolded her a bit, he was largely understanding.

Most of all, I enjoyed spending time with Ben. He would usually sneak in in disguise on the site some time in the afternoon, and swoop me away- with Duke in tow- to do typical touristy stuff. Sometimes, we would chill and go to a local bar, mingling with random people Ben always ended up charming against their suspicion. I especially loved when we went to the beach and relaxed in each other's arms while watching the waves crashing on the shore. We often ended up at my parents for dinner. It was likely one of the best weeks I'd had for a while. I mean, for the first time in a long time, I was truly, wholly happy.

That is, until everything went to hell the next monday.

" You got everything?" Ben asked, as we got the bags out of the car. We had a beach day planned today, but as we headed over to change clothes in his house, my stomach dropped at the sight of 3 new cars in his driveway. Very big, black fancy cars.

And just like that, I knew I was out of time.

"Shit," Ben muttered as he took it in, " Guess big brother finally found me. Might as well get this over with."

" Wait, Ben, I have to tell you something..."

But he was already heading in already, his face set in determination as he swung open the door.

I froze at the doorway. It was even worse than I thought. Charles wasn't alone. Along with his security detail, there was a very beautiful redheaded woman who was beaming at Ben. She practically threw herself into his arms when he walked through the door.

" Babe! I missed you! Why on earth would you set off somewhere and not tell me, especially here! It's gorgeous! Of course, I would have come with you."

At some point during her rapid fire spiel, she finally realized that I was standing at the entry way with what was obviously an overnight bag. As she took me in, her face scrunched up in confusion. "Who is this babe? The maid?"

The comment irked. Ben shut his eyes again his hands still holding onto the bags, stiffly at his sides. " Shit," was all he said again.

Charles was lounging on one of the chairs, surrounded by his entourage and regarding me coldly. His gaze was snake-like, and I swallowed.

Do not lose your nerve Amara. This is your only chance. You can still make this right.

" Ben, " I tried again but he was already talking to the woman, his....girlfriend.

" Listen, Tessa, we need to talk."

"Talk?" her voice had lost all its humour and she extracted herself from Ben's arms, " I don't like the sound of talk."

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