Chapter 3: Hold Your Tongue, Love

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          I was randomly inspired to add on to the insane story of Albert's dark psyche. So, since the last couple of chapters, Albert has a new girlfriend. Same rules apply; I love and respect their relationship. I'm just being weird and creative with this disturbing ass fan-fiction. Also, I heard there may be drama with Albert and Jake. If you know anything about, please enlighten me. I hope their friendship is doing well. Well, that intro is long enough, into the story we go...


           It was a relatively sunny day in the state of Florida. The season was autumn and it was slightly cooler than the scorching heat of the summer months. Albert and Jake were working in their front yard garden trimming hedges and planting seeds so that they would be ready by early spring next year. Having a lovely curb appeal was their forte when it came to owning a home. Even they had more than enough funds to pay someone else to do their yard, prune their seeds, etc. They'd rather work hard than let someone else have all the fun.

          Albert decided that now was a fine time to live stream from his Instagram. "Hey, guys I'm just out here with my wonderful boyfriend Jake." putting extra emphasis on the word boyfriend. he was very proud. Albert points the camera over to Jake while he was mid-clip on a small tree that they planted a year earlier. "Dude, get that camera away from me." Jake pointed the shears at Albert pretending to snip at him. Albert chuckled and set his phone down and had it to lean on the wall at a perfect angle.

          A fan commented, "Hey, Albert will you scream "Fabio is healed" as loud you can?" "Yes, of course, jalbert_shipper69. FABIO IS HEALED!!" He screamed loud enough for neighbors to turn and give dirty looks. Albert was still engaging with the fans in the comments, so, he was oblivious to the attention his outburst was receiving.

          But Jake noticed and was thoroughly embarrassed. "What the hell, Albert? You are not in your soundproof gaming room. There are other people around that can hear you. Some, who already hate us because we're gay." Jake said sternly but also with a hint of sadness. "Babe, I'm sorry, but I give the people what they want. Plus, have you ever known me to care about those homophobic assholes?" Albert replied said with quite a bit of sass. "Al, I know you are so confident in your sexual identity. But, but the assholes get to me sometimes and I know it's pathetic, but it's just how I feel at this time in my life. So, would you please just tone it down a bit? For me." Jake says choking up a bit. Albert was his first boyfriend. He'd thought he was straight until meeting Albert through the internet.

          Albert rose from out of the grass to kiss Jake. Jake turned towards Albert and snaked his arm around his small but ripped midsection and squeezed him tight. "I love you, Al. Never forget that." " How could I forget that Jake?" "I know, I just wanted to let you know." Jake planted a kiss on Albert's lips. "Okay, now go plant us some nice flowers," Jake says with humor in his voice. While slapping Albert on his ass.

          Albert returns to his part of the garden and continues to live stream to the thousands who tuned in that day. A fan comments, "Albert, I dare you to scream, 'I wuv my precious wittle Jakey wakey.'" "Fine, Jalbutt4L," Albert says to his phone. "I WUV MY PRECIOUS WITTLE JAKEY WA-," Albert is cut off by the incredibly painful and horrific sound of his tongue being snipped off and out of his mouth. "AHHH." He screams in agony. "I told you to shut up and calm down." Now, if you don't want your uvula to be next; I suggest you do as I say." Jake says angrily with a dark tone in his voice. Albert nods his head so quickly, I swear you could see the plants trembling. "Alright, now let's get you to a hospital, love."


          "Hey! Al! Albert!" Jake yells at Albert, snaps his fingers repeatedly, and waves his hand in front of his face. Finally, Albert comes back from deep in his thoughts. He jumps at the sight of Jake and starts to break down and cry. "Oh no, what's wrong, babe?" Jake kneels onto the ground next to Albert. "I had a terrible day-mare," he says between sobs. "Oh honey, do you want to go inside now?" "Yeah," Albert says softly. "Will you carry me, babe?" "Whatever you want, my love. Let's go inside."

          Jake lifts Albert gingerly and with much care. "You can tell me what dark place your precious, gamer head went later." Albert slowly nods his head and clings to Jake. Jake lies Albert down in their bed and plants a soft kiss on Albert's lips. He then returns to their garden to finish pruning their little tree. 


I know this one is a bit longer than the other ones but I enjoyed writing this crazy story. 

My insta is: music_is_lyfe137 is you'd like to give a follow. 

Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a lovely day! <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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