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A queen she was but she did not know it yet her name... Nockipuh her goal... Enjoy life....her addiction SEX. Yikes though today wasn't a good day.She met this handsome young man called Bal-eer they went on a date everything was great, but... he was the kind of guy that was modest, so when she turned her right arm into a tentacle to jack him off under the table he moaned.."hm" when she was passing her tentacle through his pants but then right before she could reach his tool he stopped her then refused. He wanted to "take things slow", sadly Nocki(her nickname) was not able to know his size yet. Nocki thought "ughhh such a hassle boys these days." Did I forget to mention?,this world is not a regular world it is called Lafanta. Here at lafanta strange things happen, portals open all over this place and suck in people from other times and dimensions here. Some were born here some were sucked in and unfortunately the scientists of this world have not figured out why this phenomenon happens. They can't reverse it yet, so the people who get sucked in here are stuck here, because it is a dimension of it's own. But in this world there is a place where only a few and the government know where there exists a little portal when someone goes through they leave the dimension and can't come back. Those who have gone through were some of the most dangereous criminals of Lafanta and they had to be exiled. One last thing whoever is born in Lafanta or is sucked into Lafanta develops strange powers but there is still a tremendous amount of people who don't have powers. But most do and it is random and scientists are still studying where the source of these powers come from. Nockipuh was born here but Bal-eer was one of the ones sucked in but it's been years since and he adapted to Lafanta. Nockipuh doesn't know yet his story or if he has powers but she hopes to know because he is too handsome and nice and mysterious. "he must be hiding something " she thinks. Now that everyone is caught up let us go back to the night of their date. Nocki was about to give him a handjob or for lack of better words a tentacle job. Her powers are still developing, but basically what she can do as of now is transform her body parts into anything she wants; hence why she was able to transform her arm into a tentacle. She can't fully transform yet, but when she's angry...weird things happen.. You'll see.👀 oh 4th wall break I'm sorry not a big deal GET OVER IT I'm just the messenger, I mean the narrator. Anyways where were we...
Nocki being the little freak she is, tried jacking off B-dawg, yes B-dawg am I not cool enough to say it? Yes I am, now as I was saying. He then refused her sexual advance oh the audacity of him to not be a whore. Is he even a man because men usually let her do it without batting an eye, he's an odd pickle. But is his pickle big?😏 that was all that was on Nocki's mind but she transformed her hand back into a human hand and apologized "oh silly me i'm so sorry my hand has a mind of it's own sometimes" she says as she licks her lips. This little freak can't lie for shit, she fixes herself and looks at him awkwardly. He laughs as he says "look that was...sweet of you I guess but i'm not that easy, you're very pretty but let's take it slow shall we?"she agreed by shaking her head. Nocki was shocked she thought he'd think she was a creep but he didn't look uncomfy at all, THAT MADE HER WANT HIM MORE. She got so horny and wet but for it not to be noticed before it could wet the chair,she turned her vagina into a metal from the inside so that any wetness would calm down and stay inside. He then offered to call her a flooper, (a flying car service for pay). He said "today was interesting and lovely, i'll text you" before he left he gave her a deep look and he smirked and said "bye Nocki." she wanted to fuck him so bad with these looks but she had to be such a little princess and lady.It got her even more excited when he remembered her name most guys called her nicki,but he remembered. She went in the flooper and went home where she lived with her roommate Lea but there was blood on the floor when she arrived.....TO BE CONTINUED

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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