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parker: wanna hear some avengers puns?

tony: no.

nat: please don't-

parker: sorry nat sorry!

nat: fuck.

parker: i Hope you don't feel bad!

hope: tony, make him stop, please.

tony: hold your horses, I dig where this is going.

parker: you guys are always all over me. You're like my Guardian angels!

quill: kid-

parker: what? You don't want Gamora these puns?

quill: NO.

bucky: that's just cruel.

sam: y'all are some dumbasses. i can come up with way better puns.

bucky: can not.

sam: can too!

bucky: CAN-

parker: alright then, prove it.

sam: wakanda statement is that? you need to t'chill with all of them puns.

everyone: *stunned*

parker: oh come on, guys. Nobody's on my side? Clint? Scott?!

scott, clint: no

scott, whispers to clint: yes

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